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It was the evening of the concert, he said he wasn't but i could tell j hope was nervous. Kenya was freaking out, she wouldn't stop going on and on about how excited she was..
"You'll do great" I said to j hope
"Thanks" he whispered nervously "i still have an hour before the concert starts, why don't we have some fun?" he smiled as he pushed me up against the wall. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and circled around. The heat filled my body.

As i looked over to my left i saw Y/N and J Hope, i hated to admit it but they looked so god damn good together. I wanted her so bad. To the right of me i saw Y/N's friend, Kenya i think her name was. I noticed that she was looking at them as well, I caught a glimpse of jealousy in her eyes. I walked over to her not knowing what i was going to do or say once i got there.
"Hi," i said to her in my best english possible
"Why don't we talk in Korean?" She said "I've been practicing" i smiled at her relieved to speak in Korean. RM had been trying to teach us english but to be honest i really sucked at it.
"So uh are you nervous?" Kenya asked.
"Kinda" I didn't know what i was doing but i began to lean forward, staring at her. By this point Y/N and J Hope had left the room, probably pleasuring each other in private. Just thinking about Y/N like that made me horny. As i leant in closer i watched her close her eyes. What was I doing? This was wrong. I still had feelings for Y/N so why did i want to kiss Kenya so fucking bad? Finally our lips touched. Without thinking i started to ask for entrance to her mouth with my tongue, my entrance was granted. My tongue slipped into her mouth. I looked around we where alone. I started to think about Y/N, i wanted to get her out of my head, so i began to push Kenya up against the wall my kisses getting rougher and deeper. Not knowing thinking at all i grabbed her left boob, squeezing it gently. After a few minutes i stopped playing with her breast and moved my hand down, lower and lower until i reached her pussy. She must've been really turned on as she was already dripping wet. I put my hands into her shorts and then inside her panties. She let out a moan, this made me smile. I then pushed in 2 fingers and began to move them in and out quickly. I saw she was about to reach her climax but I wasn't done, before she could cum i pulled out my fingers. She whined as the surge of pleasure suddenly stopped.
"What's wrong?" She asked sounding concerned "why'd you stop?"
"Because i want to be inside of you before you cum" she smiled at me and nodded her head.

I couldn't believe what was happening, i was about to have sex with jimin! I pulled down my shorts and panties. I watched as he did the same and then sat down on the ground.
"Come over here" he said beckoning me closer. Obediently i did. I began to position myself above his huge cock and then cautiously lowered myself down letting him fill me up.
"Uuggggh you're so tight..." he groaned as i went all the way down. I then started to rise and fall speeding up. Both of us groaning in time with each other.
"Auuuughhhh!!" I felt his warm fluids fill me up. He felt so good inside of me, I didn't want it to end...

I quickly pulled up my boxers and my skinny jeans. What had i done? How could i have just had sex with my best friend (who i had feelings for) their best friend. It just wasn't right. I didn't actually have feelings for Kenya, i was just thinking about Y/N. I had to tell Kenya, she was gonna be so hurt when i did.
"Ugggghhh whats wrong with me?" I said to myself as i banged my head against the wall.
"Are you alright?" Kenya asked. As i was about to tell her I didn't actually have feelings for her the other band mates came in,
"Come on guys we're about to go on stage, is everyone ready?" asked Jin sounding pumped
"I should go" i said to her as i walked over to the others.
"Break a leg out there" Kenya said sweetly. I smiled. What had i gotten myself into?

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