Meant to be

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I didn't know what to do, Kenya had been calling me non stop, i just kept letting my phone go to voice mail. I didn't know how to tell her I wasn't interested after what i did but, the truth was i was fantasising about Y/N when doing those things to her and that was really messed up.
"Hey what's up"came suga's voice from the other side of the room
"Well I've got a bit of a problem," and so i told him everything. About how i was fantasising about Y/N and about how I didn't want anything serious,
"Wow man that's rough, so let me get this straight, you wanna be with Y/N but you where upset thinking about her being with j hope so you went to her best friend and did things I won't mention and now Kenya thinks you're serious but you don't want anything to do with her?"
"Yup" i replied "you pretty much hit the nail on the head. I just don't know what to do, what would you do?"
"Well you know me, i like to be blunt, I'd just tell her the truth, i mean it's for the best and she's all the way over in england it wouldn't have worked anyway." He stated. i nodded and looked over at my phone, i took a deep breath, picked it up and called her.
"Jimin! Hi why weren't you responding?" Came Kenya's sweet voice. Suga's words were running through my mind 'be blunt'
"I'm sorry" i said breaking the silence "but this isn't going to work."
I hung up on her.
"Damn man you where cold, you could of at least been nice about it" suga said as he patted me on the shoulder. Suga was right i felt like such a dick.

I couldn't believe he broke up with me. I promised myself i wasn't going to cry but before i could stop myself the tears had already started to fall. I loved him so fucking much, how could he have done that to me? He was wrong he had to be, we where meant for each other, he would realise that eventually and when he did I'd be there waiting. I wiped my eyes and walked over to my jimin poster hanging above my bed and kissed the poster jimin's lips
"We'll be together one day my love..."

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