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"Hi Y/N! Sorry I couldn't call you on your birthday, I've been stressing so much about exams." Came kenya's voice through the phone.
"Oh don't worry i know you're busy," i exclaimed understandingly.
"Okay so i have a teeny tiny favour to ask you," she said
"What is it?" I asked sounding suspicious.
"Well..." she began. "Do you remember before you left for Korea i asked you if you wanted to come with me to a BTS concert when they where coming to england?"
"Yeah" i stated sounding slightly more excited.
"Well now that you're friends with them, you know, the band members, i was wondering if maybe you'd be able to get backstage tickets for me. And you could maybe even convince your mom to let you come to england and we can meet up, what do you say?"
"Huh i guess there's no harm in asking right?" I asked
"Call me straight away after you've asked thank you! I love ya."
I guess it would be kinda cool to see them perform, i mean i did like their music so why not?
It was J Hope.
"Hey i was just thinking about you" i said admittedly
"Oh really?" I Blushed as he spoke. "I'm really sorry for the late notice, i was gonna tell you a week ago but i didn't want to ruin your birthday." He said.
"Hey slow down, tell me what?" I began to worry, i though he was going to break up with me.
"Well I'm going to england for 3 days, i know it's not that long but it'll be so hard for me to be away from you." A smile crossed my face.
"Ha! That's exactly what i wanted to talk to you about." I explained "i was wondering if me and my friend, she's from england, if we could maybe come backstage with you guys. I could stay with you, then you wouldn't need to miss me. Of course I'll have to ask my mom but I'm sure she'll say yes,"
"You know i can't say no to you, ask your mom and tell me what she says ASAP and I'll talk the the other band mates. Don't worry about a thing I'll get it all sorted out." J hope said
"Oh thank you so much, I love you"
The call ended. I was so excited to see Kenya, it had been ages since i had been to england. I rushed downstairs and barged into the kitchen where my mom was preparing lunch.
"Mom mom mom!" I screamed
"What what what!" She yelled back
"I have to ask you something" i said lowering my voice.
"Go on ask,"
"Well you know j hope, my boyfriend, he's asked me if i want to come to england with him and some other friends. Don't worry it'll only be for 3 days, but i can go and see my old friends and teachers, oh please mommy please let me go. Oh and he'll pay for everything." I begged her.
"I suppose that would be alright." She exclaimed. "As long as you call me everyday until you come home."
I ran over to her and hugged her.
"I'm gonna go start packing!" I said as i ran upstairs in excitement.

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