Forgive me

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*Ring ring*
i looked at my phone, i now had 26 missed calls from j hope. i had been ignoring him because of the whole Lily make out thing.
*ring ring*
27 times! and counting.
"Ugh what the hell do you want?" i asked in a disgusted tone of voice.
"please just let me explain myself" he pleaded
"you don't have to say anything it was pretty clear what was going on,"
"Please jut listen. Lily... well she's an ex but she never got over me and about 6 months ago she stopped talking to me and i thought she had finally got over us. But... well... it seems she hasn't. The reason I didn't say anything was because i was in shock. Of course i don't love her, i love you." I knew I shouldn't accept his apology after what he did but then the thought of jimin came to mind.
"Fine i forgive you." I said
"Oh thank you, maybe it's about time we make it official, i know you said i was your boyfriend to your family but we haven't really talked about it." J hope said sounding like his usual cheery self. Even though i was mad at him i hated seeing him or hearing him be upset. I hated it, after all he was the sunshine of our group.
"Maybe this is something we should talk about in person, meet me in front of my house before school. Don't be late." I heard him chuckle to himself over the phone,
"Sure see you soon."
He was gone.
Since I didn't really have anything else to do i checked my messages to see if i had a reply from Kenya after I sent her the picture of me and Jimin. Sure enough as if reading my mind a message from hr came through.
"Ft right now i just got the pic."
"OMG Y/N thank you so much for the picture I'll treasure it forever." She smiled at me, "anyway enough about me how are things with j hope?" I couldn't help but smile as she said his name, "I'll take that as things are going well?"
"Oh Kenya things are going great, he's such a sweetie." She smiled and stuck her tongue out.
"I hate to have to do this to you but i have to go, mr Laurence has piled us up with work, i have to get it done."
"No it's alright, i understand" i said trying to hide the fact i was upset. "I'll talk to you another time."
"Yep, definitely!" Kenya replied
And with that she was gone.
"Y/N come down now!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs, "it's your dad..."

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