My Hope

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As i stood there alone in the apartment hallway i thought to myself
"Maybe those voices are right, if i die no one will care so what's the point in living?"
As i thought, i carried on walking, up, up,  up. I was on the top floor of the apartment building. I looked ahead of me to see a door it had a sign on it that read: emergency exit, leads to roof.
I approached the door and pushed it open. I felt the cool breeze hit my face.
The voices had stopped, i walked slightly closer to the edge. Suddenly they started again even louder then before.
"No one loves you"
"You should just die"
"Jump! No one would care"
"Not even your mother loves you"
"BE QUIET!" I shouted out loud. The voices didn't stop.
"Jump, jump JUMP!" And so i did. I felt free, as i fell I didn't feel scared. I closed my eyes... a thought came to my mind
"J hope loves you"
What had i done? J hope, i loved him and he loved me. It was too late. I opened my eyes only to see the concrete ground getting closer and closer until....
"J hope, my... hope...." i whispered as i felt a tear roll down my cheek. I could hear people around me, I couldn't hear what they where saying. Maybe they where worried, maybe they where glad, like the voices had told me they would. Be, it didn't matter anymore i was going to be with my dad and my baby...


I hope you enjoyed My Hope
I will be writing more stories so make sure to follow me so you won't miss out, the next fanfic will be more focused around all 7 members and will be a lot more action packed and there will be a lot less romance although there will still be some romance, it is called the 8th member, so if that sounds more like your kind of book make sure you go check it out.
If you did make it to the end, thank you...

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