Back together

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Was she really there? I could've just been imagining it, i blinked hard and fast in disbelief but sure enough, she was actually there. She seemed to be daydreaming i didn't think she had even noticed i was looking at her.
"Hey Y/N uh... what are you doing here," i said nervously feeling my face get hot. I was blushing.
"Oh, uh... j hope i... uh...well... you see" she sat down next to me. She was blushing to. I didn't know what to say neither of us did, we just sat there in silence, staring a the ground until finally, "the thing is, i-i still have feelings for you," did she really just say that. I looked at her, we locked eyes. I leant closer and gently kissed her on the lips,
"I still have feelings for you to." She smiled and wrapped her arms tightly around me.

I was so happy, we had only been apart for a week but every second was absolute torture. Without realising i had started to cry, I couldn't stop. He let me cry, comforting me by pecking me on the cheek.
"I was such an idiot, I should've never left you, i promised i would protect you, I'm sorry" him saying that made me want to cry even more. I hated that i had made him feel so awful because of my stupid mistake.
"No I'm the one who should be sorry, you have nothing to apologise for." He looked at me and wiped a ear from my cheek.
"Y/N i love you so much"
"I love you too j hope."

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