Saying goodbye

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I smacked my alarm making it shut up. All I wanted was to stay in bed. I was hoping tommorow wouldn't come. But of course it did. Today was the day I was leaving for Korea.
"Y/N breakfast," called mom from the kitchen. She sounded happy like she usually did, as if nothing had changed. But it had, everything had changed.
Once I was dressed I slumped downstairs, my shoulders hunched groaning. I sat down at our wooden kitchen table.
"Here you go 2 pieces of toast buttered and jammed."
"Thanks mom," I said in my most convincing 'I'm so happy voice' Although, I'm sure my mom could tell I wasn't actually happy, I mean she has know me for almost 17 years. I glanced out the window. It was raining. I loved the rain i guess that makes me weird. But normal is boring.
"This is something I won't miss," my mom said in a disgusted voice. My mom on the other hand, well she hated the rain. We where opposites. As a result of this we where always getting under each other's skin. Arguing about silly little things, sometimes I hated my mom. Sometimes she hated me, but I knew we loved each other really. This would've been a time where I would start an argument, just for the sake of arguing. I could've argued about her complaining constantly about the weather or about putting too much jam on my toast, but I couldn't be bothered, so instead I grabbed my blue rucksack shouted bye and left for school.

As I walked through the school gates I saw Kenya running towards me with a huge grin on her face. She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me tight.
"Uhm... ugh... air.... I.... need.... air..."
She rolled her eyes at me and giggled as she loosened her grip.
"Y/N you'll never guess what!" Without waiting for a response she continued "well you know the k-pop band that you couldn't care less about, well they're coming here and are going to be performing live! And I know you don't care and blah blah blah but like you said you love me and since you love me you'll come with me to the concert?" She exclaimed fluttering her eyelashes sweetly.
"Um kenya you know I'd do anything for you but I have to tell you something."
A concerned look crossed her face.
"I'll tell you inside the classroom, walk with me?" She nodded and linked her arm into mine as we walked.

I sat down in my usual seat and turned to my best friend.
"So... you know my dad and how he's been overseas in Korea?" She nodded "well he was in a car accident and it was bad," I could feel tears pricking my eyes but I quickly brushed them away before Kenya could notice. "He's in hospital in a coma." My voice started to shake. "They um they're not s-sure whe-when he'll wake up so...." I paused as I felt a tear fall down my cheek. I looked up at Kenya, she wiped away my tear and smiled at me a goofy smile. "Well my mom thinks it's best if we move to Korea so we can be with him." I waited for a response
"How long will you be gone," now it sounded like she was about to cry. I hugged her.
"I don't know, until dad gets better or....until you know...." we where both crying at this point. Some of my other friends had heard the story and came over.
"We'll miss you soooooooo fucking much" shouted Minal
"Who's homework am I gonna copy now?" Came Lola's voice half-joking
"I'll call you EVERY SINGLE DAY" Kenya said sniffing and brushing away her tears
"I'll miss you all so much," I said as I wiped my snotty nose on my blazer.
Just then the teacher walked in.
"Right everyone get to your seats stop fussing and just go!" Shouted mr Laurence.
"One thing I won't miss, is him." I whispered to Kenya. We both giggled softly.
"Y/N DETENTION stay after school, NO TALKING IN CLASS!!!
"Sorry I can't make it." I said in a sarcastic tone of voice. "I'm leaving, and don't bother trying to track me" I said playfully. I stood on my desk " I'm moving to Korea!" I announced. He looked at me in shock
"Get off the table at once miss Y/L/N, it's a good thing your leaving because otherwise you'd be in the longest detention of your life." He yelled. I always found it funny when he got mad, his face went bright pink.
Slowly I sat down. Once he had looked away I flipped him off and tried to hold in my laughter.
"I'm gonna miss you so much." Kenya whispered into my ear.

Despite the mornings hysterics the rest of the day went on reasonably normally, however it seemed Mr Laurence had been spreading the word that I was leaving. So all the teachers where being weirdly nice to me. Oh and I know I said being weird was a good thing but this was just too much, even for me.

Finally it came time to say goodbye to my closest friend.
"Keep in touch okay?"
"You know I will" I cried, snotting all over her immaculately, clean blazer as we embraced for the last time and went our separate ways.

I'm sorry this chapter ending was so Cheesy, I couldn't help myself, the 'interesting' stuff should be coming up in the next few chapters so stay on the lookout (; keep this book in your library I'm going to be trying to update daily.

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