My idol

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It was almost time for the concert. BTS and i where gonna go to Kenya's house and surprise her and then take her to the place, i was so excited!

As we pulled up outside her house in the limo my heart started to race.
"What's wrong Y/N? You look worried" said Jungkook who was sitting next to me
"It's just I haven't seen her in so long, Okay i need to get myself together" i explained. "I'm going in" slowly i opened to the car door stepping out one by one. I walked up to her door and knocked. Instantly i heard footsteps race to the door. Without warning it flew open.
"Y/N I'm so happy to see you!" Kenya yelled as she hugged me tightly. "Wow!" She said whilst looking behind me. "You came in a limo?"
"Well i didn't come alone" i said wittily as i gestured towards the car.

"Guys let's go that's our cue. I said
"Okay we'll all jump out on 3... 2.... 1....!"

There they where, my idols. I didn't know what to do. Whether to laugh of cry I wasn't sure.
"Huh speechless, yup that's what we where going for" came RM's voice. I couldn't believe they where there. Finally i got the courage to say something.
"I love you all so much" and then like a fricken idiot i started to cry! What the hell was wrong with me. Soon enough my best friends arms where wrapped tightly around me, she then whispered into my ear
"Don't start crying yet, we've got a whole car journey to get through. This made me cry even more but i quickly wiped away my tears. I walked around to each of them shaking their hands and thanking them.
"You Y/N friend you my friend" said jin in broken english as he shook my hand
"Hi, I'm J Hope nice meet you Y/N talks so much you. I'm uh her boyfriend" said j hope trying his best to speak English properly even though i already knew Y/N was dating him it still hurt. I hated to admit it but i was jealous. Where was he, he was the only one i really wanted to meet, finally i saw him, jimin he reached out offering his hand, slowly i took it and began to shake. He just stared at me his beautiful dark eyes never leaving mine.
"Nice to meet you" he said in the most adorable accent ever. I smiled a nervous smile and then followed Y/N into the limo. I was so excited.

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