The bad news

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"Y/N get over here" shouted Kenya from across the room.
I sighed and made my way over to her.
"Check out this band, I love them so fricken much, they're called bts and..." I cut her off
"Kenya you know I love you but honestly I couldn't care less,"
I smirked at her playfully she hit me and smiled.
*RIIIIIINNGGG* there goes the school bell. I was so excited to go home. My dad was coming home after a week of being away in Korea with my grandparents. I had been missing him so much. I ran as fast as I could out of  the school gates, I waved goodbye to Kenya and charged home.

As I walked into the house I saw my mom collapsed on the floor in the centre of our living room
I asked, concerned. She didn't say anything, she looked up at me. There where tears streaming down her face.
"It's your dad Y/N"
"w... what! what's wrong with him?!" I yelled
"he was in a bad car accident, he's in hospital in a coma."
"Oh god" I exclaimed. I slumped down beside her. "What should we do mom?"
She cleared her throat, "Well..." there was a pause of silence, "I know you love your school Y/N, and you've made some really great friends there but.... we have to move to South Korea. I just want to be with him, I know you'll understand,"
I was speechless I wanted to argue, to say something but when I tried to speak all that came out was a faint *squeak*
I watched as my mom wiped the tears from her cheeks. She stood up and brushed herself down.
"We're leaving tomorrow evening, after you get back from school, so you better start packing." She then patted me on the head like I where some sort of dog and left the room.

As I lay in bed I started to imagine what life would be like in Korea. I'm sure it will be great I said to myself...
"Ugh! Maybe if I keep telling myself that I'll start to believe it." Suddenly I started to cry as I though about my poor dad. How could I have been so selfish. I was only thinking about me when he was the one cooped up in a gross hospital in a coma. Finally, I drifted to sleep

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