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"Um.... hi, could I schedule an appointment please?"
"Yes, come in tomorrow at 1am,"
"Okay uh.... thank you"
I had done it. I was going to get an abortion.  I didn't think anything like this would ever happen to me. In england i was such a good girl, after i had moved to Korea people at school though of me as a slut and they where right.
"Hi j hope, i made an appointment with the doctor, it's tomorrow at 1am will you come with me?" I asked starting to. Get worried
"Thank you for doing that and of course I'll come with you, hat kind of boyfriend would i be if i let you do something like that alone?" Hearing his words made me smile, i tried to justify what i was doing by telling myself i loved him and it wasn't fair on him or me.

*TIME SKIP TO 12:30*

It was my phone,
J Hope: I'm outside with my car, I didn't want to knock in case i woke someone up
Me: I'm coming
I slid my phone into my pocket and ran outside. I saw him standing in front of his car, hhis arms outstretched. I ran into his arms and hugged him tightly
"Thank you" I whispered into his ear. He didn't say anything and just nodded he then walked to his car and held open the door for me.
I got in.
He got in.
We drove off.

We got to the doctors office just in time for the appointment. We walked in to the dimly lit building, I'm sure when it was properly lit in the daytime it looked completely normal and not sketchy at all, but when lit like this in the middle of the night it looked hella creepy and illegal. I mean it probably was illegal, i was under 18 there must've been some sort of law making it so if you're under 18 your parents MUST know, that was probably why the doctor told me to come at 1am. After only a few seconds of waiting a tall man dressed in a white lab coat came over to us.
"Um hi? We spoke over the phone?" I nervously questioned
"Oh yes, come this way," we began following him "oh I'm sorry your uh..."
"Boyfriend" j hope pitched in
"Your boyfriend" the doctor continued "will have to wait in the waiting room" reluctantly j hope sat down.
I followed the man into a room.
"Wow, most of my patients are alone and that's why they want me to get rid of their babies but you seem to have the support of the baby's father... oh," he looked at me "he's not the father is he, that's why you need to get rid of it?"
"He could be the father, and THAT'S NOT WHY I'M GETTING RID OF IT!" I found myself shouting without meaning it, i was hot and angry, it was not the doctors place to ask intrusive questions like that. "Anyway" i said taking a deep breath and lowering my voice "I'm getting rid of it because neither of us are ready to be parents, we're both still in school" the doctor simply nodded and began the procedure.
it was done.
"All done," the doctor smiled at me "here just to make sure it's definitely gone take one of these everyday for 1 month" he aid whilst handing me a pot of pills, i nodded and shoved the drugs into my bag.
"All done" i said to j hope as we walked to the car, he grabbed my arm.
"Y/N thank you," j hope said pulling me closer and kissing me. I just stood there and let him kiss me, i wasn't really in the mood, i gave no resistance when his tongue entered my mouth. I just stood there as he started to feel me up, grabbed my waist and squeezed my boobs, i just stood there as he picked me and up opened the car door and pushed my back against the seat and started to undo his belt. He lifted up my skirt and pulled my panties down and without hesitation he thrusted himself into me, I didn't want him to know I wasn't in to it because he seemed to be enjoying it so i gave out a fake moan.
"Ugh" i groaned as realistically as possible, the noise i made seemed to satisfy him because i noticed him smile.
"I love you Y/N" he whispered in to my ear
"Yeah..." i replied, why did i say that? I should've told him i loved him as well but for whatever reason there was something holding me back from saying it.

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