Get rid of it?

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I looked at him. He was silent, sitting there with his head in his hands.
"J hope say something," I pleaded
He lifted his head.
"What exactly to you want me to say?" He said almost in a whisper. I knew I shouldn't have told him. But I had, to I loved him. "Listen to me, I don't blame you for wanting to get with someone else but did it have to be with my best friend?"
"J hope, you broke my heart and he was there for me... but, we don't need to dwell on the past because I love you and I need your help."
What are the chances it's actually mine?" He asked
"It's probably about 50, 50" I replied.
"I'm not ready to be a dad, even if it is mine please, don't have this baby, for us." He pulled me into a tight embrace. I faked a smile, I really did love him so why was I so unsure?
"Should I tell Jimin?" I asked.
"Well, if you're getting rid of it I don't see why he should know." J hope gave me a sweet smile. "Here, I know this doctor, a few years ago my sister, Ji Wo was in a similar situation and he ya know, dealt with the problem, this is his number," j hope said whilst handing me a business card. "As an added bonus your mom will never know, anyway thank you for telling me, I know how hard that must've been, I love you bye." He waved to me as he walked out of the house. I sat down on my bed and sighed heavily. Even though he had said he wanted me to get rid of it, and i wanted to as well, I couldn't bring myself to call the number he gave me.

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