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It was my birthday today, i was ecstatic. I wasn't usually that excited because normally I'd only have Kenya over for a sleepover but this year, well this year was gonna be different. I had 7 best friends who I'm sure would love to celebrate it with me. I was finally turning 17.

When i got to school i was hoping someone would would wish me happy birthday, no one did. I looked around trying to make eye contact with one of them hoping that maybe they would say something if they saw me looking.
"Hey, Y/N" said Jin next to me
"Oh Hey Jin was there something you wanted to say to me?" I asked smiling at him.
"Do i look as handsome as i usually do? I just feel like I'm having an off day."
"You're having an off day? No one's remembered my birthday!" I said under my breath.
"What was that?" Jin asked, confused
"Oh uh nothing, yep you're looking good" i said trying my best to sound cheery.
"Thanks" and with that he stood up and walked out of the room. Usually I'd follow him or at least ask him where he was going but. I couldn't be bothered, i was too annoyed.
I began to daydream. It was a bad habit of mine but whenever I was upset I'd just stare off into space.
Before i knew it i looked around to see all the boys had left, without saying a word to me. That was it, what kind of friends forgets their other friends birthdays? Clearly I'd just have to celebrate alone.

"Guys she has no idea" i said smiling
"Good it'll need to be a complete surprise" V whispered to ensure no one would hear.
"Oh this is gonna be the greatest surprise party ever!" Shouted RM who was instantly shushed by the other guys.
"Okay so, Jimin, V and RM, being her best friends you guys need to stay with her, make sure she doesn't ruin the surprise for herself. Oh and also try and keep her happy we don't need her being grumpy at her own birthday party. Suga, jungkook and I will handle decorating our place for the party. J hope, being her boyfriend it's your job to get her there when we're ready. Everyone got it?" They all nodded "good now lets go and plan ourselves a party." And with that everyone ran off.


I didn't know what to think had they forgotten or not? V, Jimin and RM were being nicer than they usually where, like weirdly nice. This lead me to believe that they hadn't forgotten but whenever i started hinting at it they completely blew me off. I figured I would just have to accept the fact that they had all forgotten and i should just get over it.
"Hey Y/N," called j hope as I started to head back home, "why don't you come to my place there is some maths homework I'd like to go over with you." Well at least he wanted to spend some time with me, even if it was to go over maths homework.
"Sure, why not? I've got nothing better to do" i said through gritted teeth
"Great one on then" like a well trained dog i followed him over to his place.

"Guys i think i see them coming, everyone hide." I said whilst turning off the lights.

I watched as j hope turned the key in the door, he then slowly pushes it open. Inside it was pitch black.
"That's odd, are the others not here?" I questioned curiously
"I guess not," j hope said, a mischievous look on his face. "That means we're alone, what do you wanna do," he said as he pushed me against the door frame. I could feel his warm breath on my face. He reached for something behind me. The light switch? I thought it would've been romantic to have sex in the dark but i guess not.
"SURPRISE!!!!" Came 7 voices from around me. Without realising it i started to cry.
"I thought you guys had forgotten" i spluttered wiping away my tears.
"Of course we wouldn't forget, how could we forget our bet friend's birthday?" Suga said comforting me.
"Oh i love you guys so much." I ran over to each of them hugging them all individually. "And you, i love you more than anything in the world." I whispered into j hope's ear.
"I know now let's go and party!" I ran over to them looking around wildly. It was the best birthday EVER!

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