BTS! Part 2

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I woke up really early considering how late i went to bed the night before. Normally i hated waking up early but i was so excited to see j hope again. I got out of bed and walked over to my mirror. I looked dreadful. I grabbed my best concealer and worked on hiding the hickeys. After i had finished you could still see them but not to well so it was better than nothing. I normally hated putting on make up but i wanted to today, i put on some subtle lip gloss and did some winged eyeliner. Once i was ready i walked downstairs.

I couldn't wait to see Y/N i knew where she lived. She lived on campus with her grandmother, miss Y\L\N the art teacher.
"Maybe I should just wait to see her" i told myself. I eventually gave in and decided to go and see her. I hope she didn't find it to creepy that i knew where she lived.

When i reached her house i took a deep breath *sigh*
"right i have to get her number i forgot to ask for it yesterday because i was to caught up in our 'activities'" this made me chuckle as i thought about what we did.
*knock* *knock* *knock*
I did it. i stood back as i waited for someone to come to the door.
"I'll get it," i heard a familiar voice say from inside. I heard footsteps get closer and closer until the door flew open.
"J hope? What are you doing here?" Asked Y/N
"I just wanted to see you I'm sorry i hope it doesn't seem to weird," i explained
"No no. Not at all do you want to walk with me to school?"
"Yeah sure I'd love to" i exclaimed sounding almost excited.
"So i was wondering..." i started "would you be interested in maybe going out with me sometime" i looked at her
"Um i mean i guess,"
"Okay great lemme give you my number." She handed me her phone and i put in my number.
"And maybe we could continue with what we where doing yesterday." I winked at her, i watched as her face went bright pink, she giggled.

When we got to our home room we both sat in our usual places .
"Hey J hope" i said
"Yeah, what is it?"
"Well, my best friend from england is obsessed with a band and i just found out that it was a k-pop band called BTS. And well, I didn't realise until yesterday that you Jimin, V, Jungkook, suga, Jin and RM are that band."
"Yeah" he plainly said
" i hope this doesn't change your feelings for me" J hope said sounding worried. I leant over and kissed him softly.
"Of course it doesn't. We both smiled.
"Why don't you come round to my place tonight, my mom and grandparents are going out to dinner with some other teachers so I'll be alone, I'd appreciate the company." I gave him a playful grin. He then nodded and looked down at his phone trying to hide his flushed cheeks.

"Ooooooohhh what was that" whistled RM "it looks like your getting on well with the new girl.
"Damn how far have you gotten, is she your girlfriend?" Jimin asked sounding disappointed
"Yeah dude tell us what have you done," suga said trying to hide the fact he was annoyed.
"No, she's not my girlfriend but we are going out tonight to see what happens." Jimin turned to Suga and smiled they both heaved a sigh of relief in sync.
"You 2 better not do anything to mess this up for me" i stated noticing the mischievous looks on their faces
"We won't do anything right Suga," said Jimin
"Nope nothing," he replied. I could tell they where lying but I didn't have the energy to fight with them. Instead i started to fantasise about evening that was awaiting me i was ecstatic.
*RIIIIIINNNGGG* i was disappointed to find out that I didn't have any lessons with Y/N that day but i was even more disappointed to find out that Suga did.
"Stay away from her," I whispered into Suga's ear and with that i walked off.

"Ugh why had i been so slow to get to her. How could i have let J Hope of all people beat me to it. She was so beautiful i just wanted to touch her.

"Hey jimin before you go to your lessons would you mind taking a picture with me?" I asked whilst running after him
"Sure, but J Hope said you weren't really into BTS?"
"Oh don't get me wrong i love your music I'm just not obsessed like some people, this is for my best friend your her bias."
"Oh... okay" jimin said sounding dissapointed
We took the photo
"Thanks so much jimin, Kenya will love this. Anyway bye see you later."
I carried on walking down the hallway towards my next lesson. I had biology, Suga one of J Hope's friends was in that class to. I wanted to get to know him, he seemed really sweet and maybe talking to him i could bring up the fact that he was my bias wrecker.
As if reading my mind Suga popped up behind me out of nowhere.
"Hey Y/N do you wanna walk to lessons with me,"
"Sure, actually i was just thinking about you." I replied innocently
"Humph really?" He said he then said something quietly under his breath, it sounded like he had said "I'll make you mine" but it couldn't have been I must've just been imagining things thinking about J hope.

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