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It had been a week since jimin and i had started dating and honestly, it felt great to be with someone else. I really loved him well, that's what i kept telling myself, i tried to not think about it to much but jimin and i well we didn't seem to have the fiery passion for each other like me and j hope had. I knew I shouldn't be comparing my relationship with jimin to the relationship with my ex but I couldn't help it. I think i just had to get him in the mood and then maybe we could do something more spontaneous.

As i got to school i saw jimin waiting outside for me.
"Hi Y/N,"
"Oh uh hi jimin" I said smiling at him
"So i was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me tonight?" He asked
Sounding too excited i exclaimed "yes! I'd love to! I uh i mean sure sounds good" he giggled at my enthusiasm and nodded.
"I'll pick you up from your place at 7?"
"Sounds good" i exclaimed, i then ran inside to class. I had been trying to avoid j hope as much as possible, I didn't want it to be awkward, not so much for him but more so for me. I still had feelings for him, i know it seemed wrong to be with jimin when i still had feelings for J Hope but jimin was helping me get over him, after all j hope broke up with me, he must've moved on by now right?

It was absolute torture having to sit in the same room as Y/N and not being able to kiss her. I loved her but clearly she had moved on, she was with jimin, it wasn't fair of me to be jealous as i was the one who broke up with her in the 1st place. I kept replaying that moment in my head, why had i done it? I would've given anything to go back and redo that moment how I should've done it but alas, I couldn't.

I couldn't wait for our date. As i walked over to Y/N's house with a bouquet of red roses in my hand.
I heard footsteps come to the door, it slowly opened. My mouth dropped at the sight i saw. It was Y/N dressed in sexy black lingerie.
"W-what are you doing we're going out to eat?" I stuttered, i stared at her body, it was perfection, every curve defined and beautiful.
"No one's home right now" she said seductively, "so i thought we could ya know...." she winked at me and then. Pulled me inside.

She pushed me up against a wall and shoved her tongue down my throat. Her body pushed against mine, her fingers ran through my hair. I felt her other hand run down my chest and stop at my belt, she undid it and threw it to the ground,
"Wait!" I said urgently
"I'm sorry, did i do something wrong" she said apologetically
"No, no of course not" my voice softened you did everything right," i heard her sigh. "The only thing is, well it's my first time, I'm a virgin." She looked up a me and smiled.
"Don't worry I'll be gentle" she then proceeded to pull down my jeans and then my boxers. I didn't realise how hard i had gotten seeing her like that. My rock hard member bounced out as she pulled my boxers down, i saw her smile at the sight.
"Right, you go and sit over there," she commanded pointing to the sofa, obediently i did as i was told and sat down. I watched a she undressed in front of me revealing a beautiful body with 2 beautifully round breasts. I could feel my face heat up, i was blushing. She giggled at the sight and walked over to me. Without saying anything she lowered herself down onto my pulsing cock. I moaned softly. She began to bounce up and down speeding up.
"Uuuugggghhhh!" What was this feeling? I had never experienced anything like this, a mixture of pain and pleasure. I felt as my warm liquid filled her up, i pulled out.
"Wow" i looked over to her and smiled "that was great"
"Sure..." she said sounding uncertain, i decided to ignore the fact she didn't sound happy she was probably just tired i told myself. I loved her and she was finally mine.

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