We all want her

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What had i done? This was the second time Jimin had kissed me. Why did i kiss back? I was so fucking stupid. I had to tell him. As if scripted i saw j hope walking up to me in the distance, not wanting to waste any time i ran over to him.
"We're done!"
"Wait what?! Why?" I asked feeling confused and hurt.
"Lily sent me this," he pulled out his phone. As soon as the name lily left his lips i knew it couldn't be good. (Lily is the school mean girl and j hope's ex she was also still in love with him) on his phone he opened his texts with lily and clicked play on a video she had sent him. I stared at j hope's phone in anticipation.
wait a minuet.
That was us.
Me and jimin.
How could. She have got that video? She must've been there. Oh my god i was so stupid as to think no one saw.
"So I'm gonna say it again we're done!" And with that he walked away.

why did i break up with her? I loved her, what had i done? I should of just forgiven her. She forgave me when lily kissed me. I was so stupid, i had to get her back.
"Hey, why're you so upset?" Came suga's voice from behind me, stupidly i said
"Me and Y/N broke up, but before you get any ideas it was a mistake and I'm gonna get her back." Without saying anything suga just turned around and walked off.

I was so excited when j hope told me him and Y/N broke up, this meant i had a chance with her, of course there would also be Jimin trying to get with her but i was obviously gonna get there first.

I couldn't stop thinking about our kiss, our magical kiss. I had to see her, especially since J hope had just broken up with her, suga told me but when i asked why they broke up he said he didn't know but whatever, whether i was the reason they broke up or not it didn't matter she was finally going to be mine.

i walked over to Y/N's house thinking about what i was gonna say.
*knock* *knock* *knock*
Y/N's mom came to the door
"Oh uh hi miss Y/L/N is Y/N home?"
"You're jimin right? Y/N's friend? Yes she is home but she's very upset I'm sure she'd appreciate having a friend here go on I'm, her rooms just upstairs on the left." I nodded and ran in and up the stairs. As i neared her room I ears familiar music playing, hope world, that was j hope's album. I pushed open her bedroom door to see Y/N crying as she listened to the music. Damn she even looked beautiful when she was crying. She looked up at me and quickly turned the music off. I came over to her and sat on the side of her bed where she was lying.
"I'm sorry..." where the only words i could force out of my mouth. She looked at me, staring into my eyes. Without saying anything he pulled me into a tight embrace. I let her cry softly on my shoulder...

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