Welcome to Korea

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By the time we reached my grandparents house i was exhausted. My mom lost the map so we spent hours wandering around South Korea without a map or phones or anything. Eventually my mom gave in and swallowed her pride and admitted we where lost. She then agreed to get on a bus an ask the bus driver if one of his stops was anywhere near where we wanted to go. And it was.
"See mom, we could've done that hours ago it would've saved us so much time and energy." She just glanced up at me i could tell she was annoyed that i was right. i was satisfied that i had won so i just left it.

It only took us about 15 minuets to get there on the bus. It turns out my grandparents live quite close to where we where wandering. I slowly walked up to the front door. It seemed my grandparents lived on some sort of campus. They lived in a beautiful detached cottage far larger than our little shack. I raised my fist to the door prepared to knock, i looked down at my hand to see it was shaking.
"Don't be nervous sweetie they're your grandparents they'll love you," i nodded and knocked on the door
There was a long moment of silence. I thought maybe they hadn't heard and was about to try again when suddenly the door swung open.
Standing in front of me were an old, grey haired couple. They both had friendly looking faces even though they where covered in wrinkles.
"Aaaaaahhh sweetie come here and give your grandmother a nice big kiss" hesitantly i headed towards her and let her plant a big, sloppy, wet kiss on my cheek. I then turned to the old man who i assumed was my grandfather and bowed. He nodded his head
"What a well mannered daughter you have there," my mom seemed pleased with herself i watched a smile spread across her face.
"Come inside and we'll show you the house." I rushed inside eager to get out of the freezing cold. I thought it was meant to be warm in Korea but for what ever reason it was unusually cold.

Despite the outside appearance of the house, the inside was very modern. My room was very bare with white walls a white bed and white carpet. The only pieces of furniture in there where the bed, a desk and a huge wardrobe.
After i had unpacked all my things and put them away in my room and ran downstairs.
"I want to see my dad now, i mean that is why we came" i said bursting into the living room.
"Of course dearie, but you may not like what you see. We moved him to his room. The doctors thought it might help if he where surrounded by familiar things. Grandma said sounding upset, her voice shaking slightly. Gently she pushed open a door with the words 'Jae-yun' written on the door in silver and gold letters. There i saw him my dad. He looked so lifeless and pale. I hated the sight. I turned away and ran out of the room and upstairs to my new bedroom and started to cry into my pillow. "It's okay sweetie, you cry if you need to." I looked up to see my grandma sitting on the edge of my bed. I had only known her for about an hour but I already loved her as if I'd known her my entire life.
"When you're ready tell me and we'll get you all signed up for school, I'm a teacher at  the school that's why i live here on campus, now I'll leave you b and i will call you when dinner's ready." And with that she was gone. I was all alone.

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