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There where sirens all around me.
Policemen and doctors running around the house frantically.
Everything was a blur.
I looked over at my mum, tears falling from her face, hitting the ground.
My grandparents hugging.
I didn't know what to do.
I just sat there, frozen, worthless. There was nothing i could do.

It was about 10 o clock, my dad had stopped breathing. My grandparents noticed and called an ambulance but by the time they had got to him it was to late. He was dead.
I held my head in my hands, unsure of what to do. Everything ached. I loved my dad more than anything else in the world and now, he was gone...

I stood outside the house wanting some fresh air when suddenly i saw 2 familiar faces getting closer in the distance.
"Jimin? J hope?" I ran towards them as fast as i could.
"What's going on? We saw the ambulances and police cars and thought something had happened to you." Jimin said looking relived. He hugged me tightly then let go.
"It's my dad... h-h-he well... he died." Without even realising it i had started to cry. Familiar arms had wrapped around me. It was j hope. "There there, it's alright." He kissed me on my forehead.
"Hey why don't you come back with us and sleep at our place i doubt you'll get much sleep here, you need your rest." And without waiting for a response j hope's hand was tightly wrapped around mine as he lead me to his place.

I opened the door to see all the other guys sitting at the table playing cards.
"Guys i hope you don't mind, Y/N is gonna be staying with us for a while." I said gesturing for her to come in.
"Oh, yeah sure she can stay here right guys?" Jin asked hopefully. He looked around at the others. They nodded in agreement.
"Okay good" j hope said, he turned to face me. "We'll set up the sofa as a bed and you can sleep there, we'll all be right next door in case you need anything." I nodded and smiled at him.
"I love you J Hope." I said quietly so no one else but him could hear me.
"I love you to Y/N, so much"

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