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Once we had arrived safely back in the airport we all walked outside, waiting for our ride to come and pick us up. I watched in amazement as a huge limo parked right in front of us. This couldn't be our ride, could it?  I stared as the others calmly walked towards it and started to put their suitcases in the boot.
"Wow!"i gasped "I've never been in a limo before" the others didn't say anything and just smiled at my child like innocence. I got in. The limo looked bigger on the inside than it did on the outside. I was in awe. If this was just the car was like I couldn't even begin to imagine the hotel.

it didn't take very long to get to the hotel although, if i was being honest i hoped the journey was going to be longer, I wanted to spend more time in that magnificent limo. As. I stepped into the hotel i almost cried with excitement. It was huge. I just stood there and stared. My daydreaming was interrupted by a sharp nudge to my arm.
"Y/N stop daydreaming, let's go see our rooms" said Jin.
"Oh yeah" j hope said, he lowered his voice so only i could hear him, "we are all sharing with one other person i requested to be with you." He smirked at me. I giggled and smirked back whilst following him to an elevator with the rest of the guys.

"Level 32" came the robotic elevator voice.
"Here we are, we pulled a few strings to make sure all our rooms where right next door to each other's." Jungkook said happily.
"I'm sharing with V" came RM's voice from behind me.
"I'm with suga" called jimin
I'm in a room with Jin" said jungkook proudly
We all headed off to our separate rooms. I looked at my watch.
"Damn it's already 11PM English time, we should get to bed. I put down all my stuff on top off one of the 2 immaculately made beds and went into the bathroom to get changed into my pjs. I reached my arms above my head and pulled my top of, i then pulled down my leggings. Afterwards i undid my bra. Once i was completely naked i did up my pyjama shirt and pulled on my pj shorts. I turned around to walk out to see j hope facing the opposite way. He was shirtless and just wearing his boxers.
"Fuck he's so god damn hot" i whispered to my self.
He was doing something, his hand was moving up and down quickly, he wouldn't, would he? I stepped closer to see him rubbing his member making quiet grunting noises. I got so turned on by this. I lay down on my bed and slipped my hand down my shorts and began to rub. Just form seeing him masterbate i  was already dripping wet. Without hesitation i pushed my fingers in and getting faster and faster. I started to moan.

I could feel i was reaching my climax. I released. Normally i would be done but i was still feeling horny.
"Ugh uhhhh" came a soft quiet moan from behind me. I turned round (my cock still hanging out of my boxers) to see Y/N pleasuring herself. She was such a naughty girl. Surely she knew if she was feeling horny all she needed to do was ask.
Quietly i tiptoed over to where she was lying. Her eyes where closed as she carried on fingering herself. Was she asleep! I knew it was wrong but I couldn't help myself. I gently pulled out her hand. She gave a gentle whine as the pleasure stopped. I then slipped in my own and began to rub her clit.
"Ohhhh yes daddy" she moaned "it feels so good daddy," she smiled and opened her eyes.
"Y-you where awake," i stuttered pulling my hand out her shorts, as i was about to turn away she grabbed my hand.
"Please don't go daddy, I'm sorry, i know, punish me for being naughty." She gave me an innocent look
I gave her a mischievous smirk,"oh daddy's Gonna punish you so much for being such a naughty little girl" i then began to rub her clit again, i then inserted 2 fingers and without hesitation began trusting them in and out.
"Daddy I'm gonna cum" she cried out.
"It's alright cum all over daddy's fingers," she did. I lifted my fingers up to my mouth and licked them. She then pulled my down and we started to make out. As we where doing so i felt her hand touch my dick. She placed it just above her opening, i stopped kissing her and looked at her.
"Are you sure?" I asked wanting to check. Y/N nodded. She didn't have to tell me twice. I lowered my self down. I watched carefully at her facial expressions not wanting too miss a thing.
"UGH!" She moaned loudly
I stopped lowering, "is this alright?" I asked again. Once again Y/N nodded. Once i was as deep as i could. Go i began to thrust i and out. In and out.
"Ugh you're so fucking tight" i whined through deep breathes. Finally i came.
"Omg that was so fucking good" Y/N said whispering into my ear. "Oh shit" she said as she looked at her phone, it's already 2AM. "We better get to sleep" she smiled at me s she got into a different bed.
"What a night" i whispered to myself as i drifted to sleep.

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