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The walk to my grandparents house wasn't very long it only took about 2 minuets. It was a good thing the journey didn't take to long because i was so excited about what had happened earlier i wanted to ft Kenya and tell her all about it. Well not all about it

"Welcome home darling" called my mum as i walked through the front door. "How was your first day of school"
"It was fine i guess," i said whilst trying to hide the excitement in my voice.
"Okay then" she sighed "what's that!" She screeched pointing to my neck.
"Oh uh i tripped and banged my neck on the side of a desk, it's nothing really." I said. Pleadingly
Knowing i had never had a boyfriend before and knowing i was extremely awkward around boys my mom didn't give it a second thought.

Once i had reached my bedroom i threw myself onto my bed, took out my phone and started to face time Kenya.
"Y/N oh I've missed you so much, so what's your new school like?" She asked
"Well school is boring but i did meet someone interesting, look," i showed her the purple marks on my neck.
"OMG i need details what's his name? What does he look like? Is he cute or hot?"
"Well he's super cute with the most adorable smile. His name's J hope and..."
"Um it's J Hope..."
"Tell me exactly what he looked like," she demanded
"Well," i began " he has dyed red hair and dark brown eyes."
*she pulled up a picture to the camera of 7 boys*
"Doe he look like this," she said whilst pointing to a boy who looked exactly like him.
"Yeah that's him oh, and the guys standing next to him, i think they're my class mates. But why on earth do you have a picture of my class mates anyway?" I asked sounding suspicious
"Y/N you're not gonna believe this but you got with a guy from BTS! You know the k-pop group i love but you couldn't care less about!" She screeched, an excited look on her face.
""No way! Although, that could be why he asked me if i wanted his autograph,"
I looked at Kenya through the camera, her mouth dropped open wide.
"Your so lucky, so are you interested in the band now?" She said with a playful smirk
"I guess," i replied
"Okay good I'll send you a list of songs you need to listen to and then you need to pick your bias, i mean obviously it's gonna be j hope but you also need to pick your bias wreckers, my rule is you can pick 2, oh and also..." she paused catching her breath "could you please get a picture with Jimin and send it to me, he's my bias, i love him so much."
I giggled, "sure," i said, i watched as a smile crossed her face
"Anyway I've got to go" Kenya said, "talk tomorrow?" She asked,
"Of course, bye."
The call ended.
"Huh, I guess i better watch these music videos, who knows i might actually like them.

I stayed up till mid night watching every BTS music video and interview I could find i loved their music so much and they where all extremely attractive but I already knew that.  I picked Suga and Jimin as my bias wreckers. I guess this gave me an excuse to talk to them.
"I need to get to sleep" i said to myself. I then forced myself to put my phone down and close my eyes.

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