Who to tell

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I just told my mom i had some stomach bug and the doctor gave me some meds to make it go away and that was that. I couldn't tell her. She'd be so mad at me. I kept looking over to my desk, i kept looking at the pregnancy test sitting there taunting me. I had to take it. I inked it up and walked to the bathroom. I prayed and prayed for a negative. After i had done i closed my eyes and put the test in front of me, i counted down 3... 2... 1... i opened my eyes.
A positive.
I was pregnant.

"Are you alright? I was so worried," said j hope giving me a quick peck on the lips.
"Uh... yeah..." i wanted to tell him but i just couldn't. He gave me a cute smile and waved to me as he ran of to his 1st class.
I looked at my phone, it was a reminder.
"Oh shit!" I shouted to myself. I had completely forgotten, i had my date with jimin tonight.  Oh god. I had been with j hope for 3 weeks now and i still hadn't told Jimin. I felt like crap.

Finally 6 o clock came around, i was dreading it. Not only did i have to break up with him i also had to tell him about the baby and how it could be his.
"Hey Y/N, ready for our date?" He seemed eager
"Yeah... I'm really sorry too do this to you but... i don't think we should be together," i watched as hhis face turned from happy to sad in an instant "it's not you it's me I'm sorry," he looked at me and turned away, his head low to the ground. I hadn't told him about the pregnancy. "jimin wait!" I called after him, he ignored me and carried on walking. Maybe it was for the best, I should've probably told j hope 1st anyway.

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