Chapter 1

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"MOTHER!" Leon screamed when he saw it. "Lucas get him out of here!" I commanded before running back to Luna's side. It was a difficult time to bare with but at last my Luna, my Queen, my angel was gone to a place where I would only see her in my dreams. More tears rolled down my eyes as they took her body away to be prepared for burial. When her body was gone, I stayed by the bed her body had just rested when I turned the angriest I have ever been in my life. I lifted the necklace that the assassin had dropped and felt my blood boil with rage as I crushed it tightly in my hand. So tight that the metal and the glass inside bent together. I stood up and I left the medical room and headed to find the person who had paid for this to happen. When I arrived I saw her huddled in the corner of her cell rocking back and forth.

"You! you did this!" I yelled at her making her look at me with her confused face. "Your majesty, what brings you down here right now. Shouldn't you be enjoying your wedding with Scholar Luna?" she says in a calm voice but her acting didn't fool me. "Oh, didn't you know? The love of my life was just killed before me and our son and everyone else who came to witness our wedding!" I shouted at her wishing I could strangle her with my bare hands. "Killed? That is unexpected. Well if she was killed, why are you here? Shouldn't you be planning her funeral." "You're right I must plan her the most extravagant funeral a person will ever receive but first I must avenge her," I said opening the gates. "What are you doing?" she asked getting up. I walked over to her and held her by her throat against the wall as she squirmed. "Your m-majesty, why, why are you d-doing this to me?" She asked trying to get air but I was blocking it. I slowly took out her necklace from my clothes and her eyes widened when she saw it. When I saw her reaction I let her go and she dropped to the floor looking for air to refill her lungs. "The assassin dropped this when he escaped from my guards after he tried to kill my son! Luna sacrificed herself for him and died. ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!" She shook in fear of what I will do to her. "Your majesty please I beg of you to have mercy." She didn't even bother to fight it because I had the proof and needed nothing more. "DO YOU THINK I WILL LET YOU LIVE FOR WHAT YOU HAVE JUST DONE TO THE PERSON I LOVE? I SHOULD HAVE PUNISHED YOU WORSE AFTER YOU LIED TO ME ABOUT XANDER BUT FOR THE SAKE OF OUR PAST I KEPT YOU ALIVE. HOW DO YOU THANK ME? BY KILLING LUNA! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BEG ME FOR MY MERCY!" "Your majesty please!" She shouts in agony but I didn't care. "MEN, TAKE HER AWAY AND ISOLATE HER. SHE WILL DIE IN THE MORNING." I declared as her tears finally started flowing before she was taken away by my men. I went back to my room and the next few days are a blur as we prepared for Luna's funeral. It was indeed extravagant it wasn't until it was over I felt something in me snapped.


*Beep* *beep* *beep* Was what I could hear coming from near me. It sounded constantly, sometimes slow and sometimes fast. I can't really see or feel anything and can only hear this and I had no perception of time. Where am I is what I ask myself all the time? I wonder if this is where all souls go after death. Is it really just emptiness? Suddenly the beeps started to get faster. *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*. I counted at least 10 before I suddenly heard something that was not the strange sound. instead, this sound was a person, a female, shouting. "DOCTOR!" *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* AND THEN *BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE* what is this? suddenly I feel a hard push of air push through my nose and my eyes opened. *Beep* It started again still a bit fast but it eventually slowed down. I took deep breaths to calm myself before I finally took a look around.

What is going on, where am I? I looked to my side to see that the Beeping noise was coming from this tall odd-looking thing that had lines on it that were moving up and down constantly. " Unnie!" I looked around to where the voice spoke was and I saw someone who I was relieved to see. She was dressed weirdly though. "Liluo!" I shouted before I tried to get up from where I was but she rushed to me to stop me. "Unnie, calm down. You just woke up and your heart doesn't need to be going crazy. You'll pass out again." She says pushing me gently to lay down but I wouldn't. "My heart? Pass out? Liluo what are you saying and what are you wearing?" I asked confused by what she meant. She looked down at what she was wearing then looked at me confused. "Unnie, what are you talking about? I'm talking about your heart rate. If it goes too high you can pass out again." "Liluo, your clothing is very Inappropriate, where is your proper clothing?" I asked looking at her bottom clothing that showed her legs. "Unnie you told me this was one of your favorite outfits of mine," she says confused. "Liluo where are we?" I asked not understanding anything. "Unnie we're in the hospital. You have been here for the past few months." "Hospital? What is Unnie, I am Luna, not unnie." "Unnie, what's wrong? Why are you acting so weird?" Liluo asked me. "Anna." We turned to see a woman walking in dressing oddly as well.

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