chapter 15

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"Mrs. Park, what do you mean. Shouldn't Jisung be home with you? It's Wednesday." Mrs. Zhong says letting Mrs. Park into their home. Chenle pulled out his phone to call Jisung but Mrs. Park stopped him. "Its no use, I have his phone with me." She says. Showing him Jisung's handphone in her possession. "Chenle, go to bed while I talk to Mrs.Park." Chenle's mother s
Tells him. "But ma, how are we gonna help find Jisung?" He asked worried about his best friend. "We will figure it out tomorrow. But you have a school to go to bed." Chenle nodded before going to his room. Mrs. Zhong stayed comforting Mrs. Park and let her stay the night because it was too late for her to drive home.
When his mother told him to go to be, Chenle went straight to his room and texted Yoona noona.
: noona, there's an emergency. Jisung is missing and he doesn't have his phone!
Yoona: Chenle calm down. Jisung is here with us. He came here last night and he is now sleeping. How did you know he wasn't home?
: well, his mother came to my house looking for him. That also explains why I haven't spoken to him all day. Neither has any of our friends.
Yoona: I see, don't tell her you to know where he is. He ran away from home and came here all on his own because he was done with this horrible treatment of him. He is fine and we will come to visit you soon. Don't worry but please keep this a secret.
: okay, I won't say anything.
Yoona: thank you, now go to bed I know you have school in the morning.
: OK
Chenle felt more at ease knowing his best friend was safe and was not too far from him anymore. How will he hide this from Mrs. Park he doesn't know but he had to so his friend wouldn't have to worry anymore.
The next morning
Yoona was the first one up and started to make breakfast. Seohyun was getting ready for work and Jisung was like yes still in a deep sleep. He was doing much better but his sleep state showed his noona that he was physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. He needed this rest more than anything right now. They knew he wouldn't wake up in time to say goodbye to Seohyun for the day so after she ate, she gave him a kiss on the forehead and left.

When Seohyun got to work, Mr. Ji came to her office and noticed Yoona was not there today as well. Seohyun could see his obvious disappointment and knew what would come after. "Good morning Seohyun, I'm sorry to bother you but is Yoona here?" She shook her head. "Still not feeling too well." "I see well when you speak to her, can you please notify her the picture had been taken down and there is no longer need to worry about it. You know what, I'll just tell her when she comes back." "That's okay I'll tell her because she won't be back for a while," Seohyun says unintentional and this made Mr. Ji react quickly. "Why? Is she not okay?" She shook her head quickly. "She's fine, just she is on leave because of other personal reason that we are going through and he is staying to take care of them." "Is that why you guys need a lawyer?" He asked remembering what Seohyun was looking yesterday. She didn't speak but she nodded her head. "I will leave you to work then," he says before he leaves her office worried about Yoona. He walked back to his office, he pulled out his phone to call his friend. "Jongsuk, can you stop by my office today if you're not busy? okay, ill see you soon."

Seohyun's Pov

A few hours passed and I have a few minutes till my lunch break. I got a call from one of my unnies asking to eat with her today. I said yes because With Yoona unnie not here I would be eating alone. I texted her to come up and she did so quickly. There was a knock on my door and I called for her to come in. "Seohyun-ah, unnie is here."


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