chapter 26

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It's been about 7 months since yoona and Changwook became a thing. They were both very happy and their friends and family were very happy for them. Currently, yoona was sitting his office reading him a file from a new contract they started. She sat on a couch across from him with her legs crossed as she read without looking up.

"It's a three-month-long contract, once the show ends we stop funding because the sponsor is no longer on the air

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"It's a three-month-long contract, once the show ends we stop funding because the sponsor is no longer on the air. Then we wait to see if the show is picked up for another season and decide if we want to sponsor again. Simple as that. Also Italian or Chinese?" He didn't look up from his computer. "Chinese, we had Italian last week. And if sounds good to me. I will leave it in your capable hand, Ms. Im." He pushed his chair back and patted his lap loud enough for her to hear. She still didn't bother to look up from the papers as she stood up and walked over to him before sitting on his lap. Putting the papers down she felt him kiss her lower cheek as she looked at his screen. His hands rubbed her stomach before he spoke. "Look over this for me. Doesn't something seem wrong to you?" She nodded. "They are trying to get you to sign off on a ghostly contract. They don't speak of the company benefits if you agree." He rests his head on her and then turned them around from the computer. Pulling her legs to lay across his lap he held her. "Do you know how beautiful you are?" "I think you've told me once or twice but I won't complain about hearing it again." She says with a smile. He chuckled before he began to kiss her slowly on the lips.

The two enjoyed their alone time in his office because they were not often disturbed

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The two enjoyed their alone time in his office because they were not often disturbed. There was a beep on his office phone and someone in the main lobby spoke. Still making out they heard her. "Mr. Ji, Jisung is here to you, Ms. Im, and Ms. Seo." Hearing Jisung's arrival, the two back away and smiled. Pressing the button, changwook answered. "Send him up to my office." Yoona and Seohyun were about to get off so Jisung stopped by. Knowing they had at least three minutes, changwook went back to kissing his beloved girlfriend. Yoona gave him a simple peck before getting off of his lap. The whole company sort of knew Yoona and Changwook were together. Some people were happy for them while some were envious. Some thought yoona was after power and money but everyone knew deep down she wasn't. Their office romance didn't stop them from their work though so it was all good. In these months, Seohyun and Minho finally came clean about their relationship to their friends but they were not as surprised as they were expecting. Having to be reminded that they were young and had a lot to learn was more funny than dramatic. Jisung visited his adopted family at least once a month to see to his brother and ex adopted mother.
As yoona was putting on a light jacket, changwook spoke. "Don't forget my mother is coming for dinner tonight. Don't be late." "Looks shoes talking." She pulled her hair from inside her jacket. "Yeah yeah I know. Should we order in though?"
Changwook's pov
"I can cook I just didn't feel like cooking tonight but if you want ill be nice to you today." I smiled and opened my arms for a hug. She walked in calmly and I swayed us side to side. As we did this we got carried away.

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