chapter 27

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Changwook went to work only caring about one thing. He needed to talk to Yoona. She refused his calls and ignored his message. He tried asking their friends but no-one had talked to her. He tried Jisung but Jisung couldn't get to her either. He checked to see if she was in but she wasn't at work yet.
At the same time, Yoona sat in her room hugging a pillow. She looked so broken and she didn't want to be fixed at the moment. Normally when some people get their heartbroken they go to a club and drink it away but the bliss of alcohol didn't last as long as she wished she could forget. She decided to stay home for the day because she couldn't see him. If she did, she would break down and she didn't want him or anyone to see her cry. She ignored everyone's calls and messages because she just wanted to be alone.

Changwook waited for her all-day but she didn't show up to work. She called in sick and he couldn't blame her. He felt like crap as well. Going home with heavy feet, he noticed an emptiness in the house. Looking around he noticed right away that everything of Yoona's was gone. Looking around to make sure, he felt more pain.

I rushed down to the lobby and to the front desk. "Sir, did my girlfriend come here by any chance?" He nodded. "Yeah, she was here when I started my shift. You might wanna check on her. She looked horrible and sick when she stopped by." I nodded and left to call her but again no answer. Sitting in my living room watching my phone with bloodshot eyes, I waited to see if she would do anything to contact me. It was at that moment someone knocked on my door. Assuming it was her, I hurried to open it but instead I was greeted with Minyoung and her mother. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked not in the mood to deal with them. "Well, I believed now would be a good time to move my stuff back in. Is that okay?" She asked holding a black suitcase with weak trembling hands. I nodded a with shame but let them pass. " Changwook, why do you look like that? Are you not feeling well?" Her mother asks me as she felt my forehead. I shook my head through. "I'll be fine, eventually," I said the last part quietly. Helping them I couldn't stop thinking about how I mess up.

I have been feeling like crap ever since that night and I didn't want anyone to see me this way. No one knows about this yet and I don't think I'm ready to tell. I don't want people to see me broken but I want to stay this way for a while. Love sucks but the worse part is it hurts too. No physical pain can compare to this because this is something only time and space can heal. If it ever can. I feel so stupid, I should have seen it all coming but still, I was surprised. It was later into night when there was a knock on my door. I buried myself in my pillows and blankets and didn't answer. "Unnie, are you okay?" Seohyun was on the other side. But I didn't reply. "Unnie, come out. Changwook oppa has been looking for you all day, what's wrong?" She sighed and I heard her walk away but soon she came back and I heard my door unlock. "Unnie, what's going on?" "Go away, I want to be alone right now." She took a seat dispute my wish. "You've been alone with yourself for 3 days. It's not good for you. Tell me what happened." I refused but knowing Seohyun she was going to keep pushing it. "How can I help you if you don't tell me?" "That's it, you can't help me with this! And I don't want your help now leave me alone!" I shouted from under my blankets.

I was surprised, my unnie has never shouted like that at me before. Something must really be wrong. Deciding it was best to let her cool down, I left her room sad about how she reacted. Hearing Yoona unnie shout, Jisung came out of his room worried. "Noona, what going on?" I shook my head. "I don't know but unnie is in a really bad mood. It would be best to let her be for a while. Nodding, he went back to his own area. Honestly, with how weird they have been acting I know who to ask what was going on. Taking out my phone, I called Changwook and he answered by the first ring. " hello? Seohyun?" He seemed worried. "Oppa, what's going with unnie, she is so not like herself." He asked quietly. "Is she okay? Has she been eating normally? Does she look okay?" "What happened. Tell me." I knew it was something big because neither of them were in good condition. "I broke up with her because of Minyoung. I have been trying to explain but I can't reach her." I tried to stay as calm as I possibly could. "You know Normally I would do the same thing but since I know you two really love each other, I will give you 10 seconds to explain." "Minyoung came to me before Yoona's father's party asking me to marry her as a last wish because she is in the 4th stage of leukemia. I don't love Minyoung the way I love Yoona but I care for her enough to want her to not die heartbroken." I sighed because knowing Changwook's personality, something like this was not impossible. "Okay, I believe you but what do you plan to do?" "I already agreed to marry Minyoung. All I can do it wait for life to happen." Shaking my head I hung up the phone. It's not that I don't feel bad for Minyoung for her sickness but I don't agree with her using it to get something she already lost. I looked up from my phone when Yoona's door opened harshly. Unnie emerged looking very rough. Her hair was a mess, she looked really pale, her eyes were red, her lips were dry and it was a hard thing to see. "Alcohol." "Huh?" The first thing she said after locking herself in her room for about 3 days was alcohol. "I need to drink something." She went to the kitchen I search for anything she could drink. "Unnie, stop. It won't help anything." "Yes, it will. Where is it Seohyun?" She says desperately searching for the booze? I tried to stop her by force but unnie is really strong and we both ended up on the ground. "Unnie, what is wrong with you? Alcohol wouldn't do anything to fix the fact that you aren't together anymore." She didn't say anything and just rocked back and forth in her place. "I called Changwook, he told me why he did it. It's because" she covered her ears quickly. "Unnie." She shook her head. "I don't want to hear it! I don't want to hear his excuses. He can go and do whatever he wants!" I moved closer to her. "Unnie, I know you're in pain. Believe me, he is too but drinking and locking the world away won't solve anything. Nor will it make you feel better." She shook her head hard. "It will help me.*sob* it will help me forget about everything. Even if it's just for a little while." She says crying hardly. I know what she meant and I knew this was the worse feeling in the world. "You don't know what it's like to be in love with someone but he keeps hurting you again and again. I'm tired of being hurt, especially by the same man." "Unnie, I know it hurts." I rubbed her shoulder. "But truly it's my fault. He has done this time and time again. He even did it in my dream and yet, I still stupidly went back to him." *gasp* I looked at unnie when she made that sound.

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