Chapter 16

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A/n: sorry about last week, I didn't know what to write so I don't post but now I think I'm good to go. Hope you like it.

Yoona left Mr. Ji office feeling accomplished. She had successfully spoken to him couldn't help the warm smile on her face when she left. the hoped this would go well and that they could both move forward. She made it outside and ran into an angry look Minyoung and was a bit shocked. Yoona bowed to her and Minyoung's face changed instantly. "Pardon me Minyoung-ssi." "Yoona-ssi, it's been a while." "Ne, it has, how have you been?" Yoona replied with a polite smile. "I've been fine and you?" Minyoung notices the joy radiating off of Yoona and it threw her into a sense of annoyance. "I've been very well, I'm sorry I have to excuse myself but my friend is waiting for me." She bowed to Minyoung again before she left her. Minyoung then took a breath before she enters Changwook's office as calmly as possible. He turned around at the sound of the door and smiled. "Hi noona, what are you doing here?" he asked his smile never leaving his face and it wasn't just a smile that told her to just leave him be. It was a real smile that she hadn't seen in she doesn't know how long. "Why haven't you answered any of my calls?" His head tilted to the side before he checked his phone to see at least 100 massages and called and around half of those were from her. "oh, noona I'm sorry, I have been ignoring my phone since after lunch. I have been working on something and didn't want to be bothered." She could tell he wasn't lying but something still bothered. "Why was Yoona here, I just ran into her." "Oh, well she came to invite me to dinner with them." He says with a happy smile.  Minyoung was wondering how Yoona could be so bold. "Why?" "I helped them out with a problem they were having with. They invited me out to thank me for helping." "What did you help them with." she asked hurriedly. "um, it's kind of a personal problem" "Personal, I'm gonna be your wife soon. your business is my business." She didn't let him finish his answer. "Noona I don't mean me. I mean it was a personal thing for them so I can't really say." she changed her face a bit guilty. "oh." "Besides I didn't really do much. I just called up Jongsuk to help them out with it is all." she nodded her head thinking about the hot lawyer. "well, let's go eat, I'm tired and you had me worrying about you." "Okay, lets okay." he grabbed his things and they made their way down the elevator and rode down together. they reached the lobby and got off. as they were headed to the door someone ran up to them and tapped Changwook's shoulder from behind. Changwook turned around and saw the boy who had been with Yoona, Jisung. "Mr. Ji-ssi. I didn't get the chance to thank you and introduce myself. "My name is Park Jisung. Thank you for helping me get to be with my noonas." Jisung bowed to Changwook gratefully. Changwook couldn't help adore the young teenager. "No need to worry about it. Hopefully, this will all work out." Changwook rested his hand on Jisung's firm shoulder. "Thank you." Jisung stood up and bowed to Minyoung respectfully before running away towards Yoona and Seohyun who was waiting for him. Yoona held her hand out for him with a gentle smile. Changwook watched the by run towards them and take Yoona's hand happily. The loving smile stayed on Changwook's face as he watched them leave together. Minyoung saw them as well but didn't have the same expression as her boyfriend. "who was that?"   Changwook says nothing and not really thinking about her words "Hello" Minyoung says surprised. "Huh? What happened?" He asked snapping out of his daze. "Who was that boy?" She asked angrier after not hearing his words. "oh, he is a kid that Yoona and Seohyun took care of while they were students. They are currently trying to adopt him from under his adoptive family." "I see, he seems like a cute kid." Changwook nodded his head with a disappointed sigh as he now remembered why Jisung seemed do familiar but sadly it was just a dream.

Its been a little over 2 weeks and Jisung has gotten fully comfortable with us. By now his adoptive family knows he is with us because They saw us taking him to see Chenle. They tried taking him back by force but we wouldn't let them. The whole thing got really messy and in the end, His parents had to leave him with them. Seohyun had told them things would be settled in court but Jisung's adoptive mother broke down. She cried and cried until her husband had to make her leave cause Seohyun and Yoona wouldn't give in to their empty threats. Because of this, they are now in a rush to get their requirements to adopt Jisung. So far the last thing to do was find an apartment where they could all live. They found it like 2 days after they ran into his parents. It was a nice 3 bedroom apartment in the same building as one of Jisung's friends. It wasn't far from the office of his new school so Jisung and his friends loved it. Yoona and Seohyun liked it too because they all had room to move around and be comfortable.

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