chapter 29

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I finally started back as school, I'm in 12th grade so wish me luck on my senior year. Hopefully, I get the colleges I want to go to.

Changwook had gotten home early in the night, he was beyond devastated by the news of Yoona leaving the company. He didn't know she wasn't just leaving the company. Walking upstairs, he saw Minyoung and her mother in his room but Minyoung had a full head of hair. She saw him in the mirror reflection and smiled before turning around. "Changwook, what do you think of my wig for tomorrow?" Hearing it was wig I calmed down and nodded. "Hello, dear, how was your day?" Her mother tried to help me with my things but I told her it was okay. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" I nodded because I didn't the strength to speak. "Well, I should get going. I need to sleep early to look good tomorrow evening." She kissed her daughter's cheek and then mine before she left. I headed to the bathroom to get into the shower. While taking off my shirt, I noticed the makes Yoona had left on me earlier. Looking over them, I let silent tears roll down my face as I ran my fingers over them slowly trying to remember her touch. I didn't even notice that I forgot to lock the door. But when Minyoung walked in, I didn't even bother trying to hide them. Upon seeing the marks, she gasped and covered her mouth. I just went to turn on the shower. "Where, where did you get those?" "Forget it." She got upset. "Changwook, we are supposed to be getting married in less than 24 hours. How could you do this to me?" She started to cry harshly. " Oh, it's not as bad as you think. We didn't do anything. It doesn't change anything." "Was it Yoona?" I didn't say anything. "I'm right. You promised me you would try " I lost my sanity for a moment. "Am I not trying? I even agreed to marry you. I broke the heart of the woman I live for, for you. So you can't say I didn't try. Yes, we kissed today but she had to remind me that I'm getting married soon." She took a deep breath. "If you don't want to, why did you agree to marry me?" "You know exactly why I agreed to marry you. I don't love you how I thought I did Minyoung. I didn't want us to be in a relationship where we wouldn't be happy but it turned out this way. What do you expect me to do? Im sorry if it hurts you but its the truth."
Going to bed I didn't want to think anymore.
It didn't take long for me to in my own words blackout in my own mind. It seemed like those movies when people talk to their inner thoughts. "What is this?" I asked myself allowed. "I guess it finally our time huh? I flinched at the sudden voice. Turning around I saw a man I had never seen before standing there. " um, who are you?" "King Taeson. Nice to finally meet you Changwook-ssi." I didn't really know how to react to this information. "Nice to meet you too I guess, but why are you here?" "I'm here because I miss my lover." He says calmly. "Lover?" "Yoona-ssi to you is my Sejung." I was confused. "Who is Sejung?" "She was supposed to become my wife but Eunji has her killed at our wedding. Her spirit moved into Yoona-ssi body." "I see, am I correct to assume you came to mine?" He smiled and nodded. "Okay, so why are you here?" He paused briefly. "I'm here to wake you up." "Huh?" "You know you don't want to do this and you know this isn't right. So why are you still doing it?" I sighed. "Yes, your right I know but I can't just leave Minyoung like this." "You have been with her for years and you know her personality and what she is willing to do to get what she wants. What makes you think, this time is any different?" "I just, Minyoung isn't like that." I couldn't say anything else. "Really? Well, if you go through with this, do you think yoona will forgive you?" I said nothing because I couldn't say I believe she would but I didn't give up that she wouldn't accept me. "If she does, I will never make a mistake like this again. But if she doesn't I will want no time or spare no expense to get her to forgive me." He nodded in understanding. "I see well, there is not much I can do for you. You are still in control of yourself. I am just here as sort of an option. I just ask you think this through and if you plan to back out, you better do it before it's too late and we lose out women forever. There are some things that just can't be forgiven or at least not as quickly as others." He suddenly vanished and he seemed to be replaced by memory of mine. The difference is that Yoona, Jisung and Myself were no longer who I could tell we were.
Life was not on my side and it felt like there was nothing I could do.
The next morning I woke up to an empty bed. Minyoung had time to get prepared for the wedding.

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