chapter 14

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Taehyung arrived at the building with a hurt face after he saw his work on display without his name on it. He really thought she just wanted to keep a copy not make it an advertisement. Not only did she not have his permission but she didn't have Yoona's or Changwook's. He got to the floor and saw the two standing outside the office of the sneaky woman. "Hyung, noona. I'm here." He jogged over quickly and gave Yoona a hug and greeted Changwook casually as well. "She's in there. She refuses to take it down because we are just the quote-unquote models and if we agreed to take the pictures, to begin with, that is giving our consent. It's really not but she won't listen." Yoona explained simply what they had been arguing about for the past maybe an hour. Taehyung pouted aging hearing the problem.

"As much as I wish I could see my pictures on such a screen, I would like to see my name under it as well

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"As much as I wish I could see my pictures on such a screen, I would like to see my name under it as well." He says before he knocks onto the door angry. "Will you two give it up, I'm not taking it down and I will call security!" The woman on the other side of the door threatened. "Go ahead, and while you're at it, call a lawyer because if you don't take it down your getting sued," Taehyung replied angrily. Hearing sued and a different voice she opened the door herself. She put on a hurried and worried smile. "Taehyung-ssi, how lovely it is to see you again." Taehyung ignored her "polite" greeting and walked into her office with Yoona and Changwook behind him. "Taehyung-ssi, there is really no need to bring in lawyer for a Little photo." She brings tea which she didn't bring the other two. "Oh, so the fact that you in short term stole my work is not a reason?" "Stolen is not the word you should use my dear." "It isn't, because his name is not on the photo so you are not giving him his credit," Changwook added in. She woman glared at him but then back to Taehyung. "Your name, well my dear this is an easy problem to solve. I'll just." "Take it down and find a different picture. I don't care if it's by me, but it needs the artist name and not their faces." Taehyung interrupted her. "Look, this photo is simply too amazing. Everyone loves it." "I love that everyone loves my work but they don't know I did it and the two people who are in the photo did not give anyone permission to have their faces plastered onto a building." She sighed. "Can't we come up with some sort of a compromise. No lawsuit, I'll put your name on the photo and since that are in the photo they have given their person. "Look, lady. If my girlfriend sees this picture, im doomed. You cant leave it up." "Your girlfriend is right ther...oh. Is this not your girlfriend?" she asked with a wicked smile looking at the two. "No, I'm not his girlfriend. but still, have no right to use our pictures for your business without out consent. It is our right." Yoona butted in not planning to deal with this woman's craziness. "And you, does your boyfriend want it taken down too?" "That has nothing to do with this. Your acting won't scare us." Yoona says. In Changwook's mind, his attention got shifted to what she was asked. 


Yoona didn't say her boyfriend wouldn't be bothered but at the same time, she didn't deny that she had a boyfriend. Should I keep it up so he can see it? I asked myself but then the reminder of Minyoung happened and I snapped out of my stupid thoughts. "Maybe I'll keep it up and see how this plays out," she says putting her feet up on her desk. If you didn't want your lovers to see this, you shouldn't have cheated." "ha, you think we cheated? Fine keep it up but don't be surprised when you get sued out of your mind." Yoona says leaving. I looked back at the woman who had a fear in her eyes after what Yoona said but I tapped Taehyung's shoulder so we could go. We met Yoona at the elevator and went down. "Mr. Ji you might want to talk with Ms. Park and tell her about the whole photo shoot thing. That way she won't misunderstand anything. If we have to bring her to court, we have more than enough witnesses on what happened." Yoona says without bothering to look at me. "I will." We got to the bottom floor and left the building.

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