Chapter 11

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Jisung's Pov

It's been a week since I've been at Chenle's house and today I have decided  I was going to visit my old adoption center. I tried to call the number I found in my parent's room but it was an old out of order number. I guess I took the wrong the number because it wasn't Seohyun noona's. I was on the bus with Chenle hyung and Mark hyung because they didn't want me to go alone. The raid was not too long, maybe an hour but I was nervous the whole time. 

When we arrived They saw the cute adoption center and asked me a bunch of questions which I didn't remember all the answers to. I do remember a lot of things thanks to the photos my noonas took while I was growing up. We walked inside and greeted the older woman at the front desk. "excuse me, my name is." "Jisung-ah, look how big you've gotten." The woman stood up and looked over me with a warm smile that made me smile back. "You remember me?" "Of course, I remember all the kids. What brings you here honey?" she asked walking around and giving me a hug and a kiss on the forehead. "Well before I say, can you promise not to tell my parents about me being here?" "Depends." I shrugged because the reason wasn't life threating. "I wanted to know if you had any current or recent contact information of my noonas." She gave me a smile. "I look like you guys have been missing each other a lot lately. Not too long ago they came by looking for contact information to see you again." I wasn't surprised but I am not fully aware of what was going on. "Why?" "Yoona was in a car accident a few months back and lost a lot of memory. it seems like one of the few things she remembers is you." It hurt hearing it again but I felt Mark place a hand on my shoulder reassuring me she was alright. "do you have any information on them now? " she nodded her head and started to search around. They left their contacts for me give me a second." she got up and walked into an office that was behind the desk. I let out a big breath and just let myself relax. I was happy they were looking for me as well but I still felt a bit uneasy about something. Ms.Park came back with a paper that had two numbers on it. "the top number is Seohyun and the bottom is Yoona." I smiled at the paper and bowed to Ms.Park thank you very much." she was smiling with before she gave me another hug and me and my friends left. we hung around the area for a little bit before we got on another bus back to the city.

Yoona's Pov

I was on the plane back to Korea with my friends. So much happened on this trip and it was really fun but some other things happened and I don't know how I am going to deal with them. When we left the spa a few days ago, Changwook-ssi asked me to speak with him privately.


"I'm sorry."I knew why he was apologizing but I acted like I didn't. "Seohyun told me your feelings for me and I'm sorry I can not return them." "It's okay, I know you don't feel the same. that is why I never told you. At that moment I had a recap in my head of many times I had wanted to confess to Mr. Ji before my accented and sighed. "well, I'm gonna go." he pulled me into a hug and it surprised me. "I want to tell you, it's not because I don't feel anything for you but because I am supposed to be with Minyoung. We are getting married soon and I can't end our relationship like this." "Like what? you didn't do anything." I reminded him but he shook his head. I didn't physically but emotionally I did but I need to stop and make things work with her." I nodded my head. "I know this already. This is why I stay away. I have a feeling for you but there is something that is keeping us this way for a reason." I bowed to him before I walked away.

End of flashback

I felt the warm tear run down my cheek again and wiped it away quickly. "Aish, I cry over him too much." I let out a huff as I pulled out the book I bought at the airport this morning. Taeyeon unnie was sitting next to me with her headphones on and her head bopping to the music only she could hear. I sighed and read silently. I had just started this book about a woman who has a somewhat the same expiration I am having now. The first words stuck right away. 

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