Chapter 6

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Jisung finally arrived home and when he did his parents and brother were already there. He greeted them before he was going to go and do his homework but he was stopped by his father. "Why did your school call me today?" Jisung was too afraid to say anything. His teacher implied that her call would be positive so why does his father look so upset. "Well, my teacher told me she wanted to call you and tell you about how I recently reached all A's but I guess that wasn't the case." His father's face changed from angry to calm. He had hung up the phone after hearing that it was Jisung's teacher because he assumed she was going to tell him that Jisung was in trouble. He saw the fear in his son's eyes and felt bad but also felt dumb because he jumped to a conclusion instead of actually hearing what was going on. He should be praising him but instead, he was hurting him. "Go to your room." Jisung nodded his head before he rushed to his room. His father called his teacher back and heard what Jisung had told him. Jisung finished his homework and hesitated coming out for dinner but gathered his strength to face his parents.

He stepped out of his room with his head facing the floor and took a seat at the table. No one said anything and just starting eating together. It was silent between Jisung and his parents as they doted on Hyejun like normal not bringing up what happened earlier and it made Jisung sigh. He didn't really think much of it but his parents heard him. "What's wrong?"

Jisung's Pov

"I'm sorry?" "why did you sigh like that?" my mom asked eating her food. "no reason it just slipped out, I'm just tired." I lied because I didn't feel dealing with them. "Jisung, I talked to your teacher and I got what she was trying to tell me. congratulations" My father said nothing else but the recognition was nice. I knew I would never be able to get them to agree to let me meet with noona but maybe I can meet them without them knowing. "Is it okay if I spend time at Chenle's house soon?" I needed to think quick and Chenle what the only person I could think about at the moment. "why suddenly?" "I've been wanting to go visit him for a while but I didn't want to bother you with it. I really miss my best friend so I wanted to take a chance and ask." I saw them both look at each other and think. "If his parents are okay with it I'm good with it." my mother says I was relieved because I knew whatever my mother did my father followed.

Yoona's Pov
I sat in the warm bath with my eyes shut as I thought of my dream again and again. There was so much about it that as I thought didn't really make sense. For example, how did the queen mother of Korea have a 1655 styled piano in the 1300s? (a comment I got from a reader in the first book, that certain era of Korea time ended in the 1800s) These little things made the dream seem to make less sense than it once did think about them. I was never romantic involved with Mr. Ji so why is in this dream that I loved him. In short, nothing was real and it took me so long to realize this. The only difference between now and the way I was is that I realized I do have another chance here. There was so much I couldn't do in that time as a poor woman but now I have more chances and opportunities to do things. After a few more minutes, I got out of the tub and headed to my room to change. Joohy...I mean Seohyun had called our friends to have dinner with us tonight and we were currently getting ready. 

We headed to the restaurant where we were taken to a party room because we had a few people joining us. I was sat at the head of the table as we waited for everyone to arrive. one by one or may more at a time everyone arrived and took their seats. when everyone was here Seohyun got their attention to speak. "unnie-dul, Minho, Taehyung I called you all here because our Yoona has a wish she would like to have come true." everyone looked at me curiously. "what wish?" Hyoyeon unnie asked. "well, I spent time with Taehyung the other day and he showed me really pretty pictures of different places around the world. Until recently, I have been feeling very unmotivated and stuck I guess. I thought maybe going out and exploring will bring be me more a push for myself." everyone listened to me carefully. "That's great Yoona but why did you want to tell us?" Tiffany unnie asked. "I want you all to come with me." they gave me a smile as they heard my words. "It will take some preparing but I'd love a vacation," Sooyoung says stretching her long arms up. The unnies more than likely all came from work so they were tired and aching. "if we all can go, where do you wanna go?" Sunny unnie asked me. "I'm not sure, where do you all wanna go?" "I don't know about you but I've been wanting to go to Jamaica." Yuri unnie suggest. "I wanna go to California to see my family and Sica," Tiffany suggested as well. "I think France so we can do some wine tasting," Seohyun suggested. "We can go wine tasting anywhere, I remember going wine tasting in Chile with my brother."Taeyeon unnie says. " How about China?" everyone stopped and looked at Minho. "Why China?" Hyoyeon unnie asked. "Well, I don't think it best to push noona to a place that is completely different from what she knows. China is not the same as Korea but it's not as different as all the other places." It was a good idea. "Okay let's do china, It will be less expensive anyway. But where in China should we go?" Minho asked. "I think Shanghai should be fine. I think China is perfect since unnie and I haven't been since we were students." Seohyun says with a satisfied smile. "We went to China before?" " why else do you think you can understand Chinese so well?" Hyoyeon asked popping food into her mouth. "Well, when do you all think you wanna go?" Sooyoung says pushing her short hair back. "As soon as possible." I said quickly I noticed everyone smiling at me. "thank you Taehyung." eyes shifted from me to him when we heard him thank himself. "why are you thanking yourself?" Sunny unnie him. "Had I not taken noona out today she would still be in her depressed slump. I feel like I should get some credit." He says with a pout that no one recognized his hand in my wish to travel. I smiled before I did as he asked. "Thank you Taehyung." he smiled as well but after I said it so did everyone else and he even got a hug of Tiffany unnie who was sitting between him and Taeyeon unnie.

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