chapter 17

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Yoona sat in a cafe silently waiting for her date to drive. She was dressed nicely but not over the top.

As she waited she was texted by her friends constantly

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As she waited she was texted by her friends constantly. They asked if she was still waiting or if the guy was handsome or nice. Finally, she had an answer when a man walked over to her with a smile. "You're Yoona right?" "Yes, I am. And you are Bogum right?" He nodded and smiled. He was really handsome so Yoona would give him that.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I left work late and I saddle don't have your number so I couldn't let you know

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"I'm sorry I'm late, I left work late and I saddle don't have your number so I couldn't let you know." "It's fine. Why don't you take a seat?" She shows him the seat? "Thank you for understanding. So Yoona, please tell me about yourself." "Well, there isn't much to say sadly. I don't know if Taehyung has told you but I have been suffering from memory loss of the last few years so anything past a few months ago I can not tell." She looked down expecting him to judge her but instead, he didn't look bothered. "That's okay. Well, I will start then." His words made me smile a bit. We talked for a while in the cafe and exchanged numbers to meet again. I arrived home to see Seohyun was waiting for me.
"Unnie, your home. How was it you stopped texting?" "It was fine, I didn't want to be rude so I kept my phone away." I took off my shoes and put them up. "Is Jisung sleep?" It was a Friday and it was just around 7 pm. "He's at Jeno's place with the boys. So tell me, how did it go? What he nice? Handsome. I know Tae set you up and he has a lot of artistic friends." Yoona nodded her head agreeing with everything. "He was all of it, I had a nice time." Seohyun clapped like a happy child. "Does this mean there is something there?" She asked poking Yoona's arm making Yoona chuckle. "Well, I don't know about that yet. It's our first meeting so I may take time for me to feel anything." Seohyun nodded and they kept talking.
I was in my room after washing up when I got a text on my phone.
Mr. Ji: how did it go?
: huh?
Mr. Ji: the blind date. Was it not tonight?
: oh, it went fine. How did you know?
I don't remember telling him about my date at all so how did he know I went on one surprised me.
Mr. Ji: Taehyung told me while I was talking to him earlier. Anyway, was the guy okay?
: oh, yeah he was great. Really kind, and respectfully, he let me take my time with everything.
Mr. Ji: what did you have to take your time with?
: Well, normally on dates you talk about yourself to get to know each other. Since I currently am on just as much of blank slate about myself as he is he let me take my time when telling him things about myself.
Mr. Ji: I see, so it went pretty well.
: yes, Mr. Ji I don't mean to be rude or anything by why are you asking about my date?
Mr. Ji: [type bubble/3 minutes later.] Well, I thought we agreed we were gonna be friends. I was just checking up on you as a friend. To see how your date went. I guess it's a bit weird and sudden.
: oh, yeah a bit sudden but thanks. I guess as a friend I will do the same. How was your day?
Mr. Ji: well other than work at the office, I didn't really do anything. Minyoung isn't here so I am not be pushed to do anything or go anywhere.
: well staying in can be fun at times. If you know what to do.
Mr. Ji: yeah, but I'm not often home by myself so I don't know what I should do. All of the things suggested I don't really have an interest in. So it was boring.
: well, I'm sure tomorrow you can do something. We don't have work so you can keep busy the whole day.
Mr. Ji: are you busy tomorrow?
: not that I know of.
Mr. ji: well if you have nothing planned can you accompany me?
My mind went into an instant panic at the request
: I don't think that's a good idea. We wouldn't people thinking wrong.
Mr. Ji: what is there to think? It's just two friends hanging out. Besides, I don't want us to be awkward because of the past. I hope this can be a chance to start fresh.
I calmed down as he assured me his intentions.
: well, I guess it wouldn't hurt then. I will meet you tomorrow then.
Mr. Ji: great
: goodnight Mr. Ji.
Mr. Ji: good night Yoona
I put my phone down and left my room it was now around 9 and Jisung had finally made his way in. Seohyun and I didn't mind because it was Friday night, we knew where he was, he was a teenager and we trusted him so we knew he wasn't doing anything bad or dangerous. He came and greeted us happily. "Did you eat?" Seohyun asked getting up from the couch and stretching. "Yes noona, Jeno's mom fed me already." She nodded. "So what did you and Jeno do?" I asked stocking his hair that is getting a bit longer. "We played games with the guys over his computers." "Jisung-ah do you think its time for a hair cut or do you want to wait a bit more?" He felt his hair gently and felt that it was getting long. "I don't know, maybe I can try a long style. Renjun hyung and Jaemin hyung have been growing out their hair lately. Maybe I'll try that." I nodded. "I'm going to bed. Don't forget to wash up before you go to sleep." Seohyun reminds Jisung before heading into her room. "Seohyun, it's only 9." Yoona reminded her of the early time for adults and teens. "I know but Minho asked me to meet him tomorrow to help him with something." I felt odd about it. " why does he need so much help lately? Besides when we moved he has constantly been asking for help. Also, why does he only ask you? We all could help too." She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't really know unnie, it changes every day. Some days he needs help with his work, or he needs my help with research, or he needs my opinion. It varies." "Alright, good night then." She nodded before going into her room for the night. "What about you Jisung, do you have any plans for tomorrow?" I asked him. "Well, Chenle and I are going to the amusement park tomorrow." "Well that sounds fun," I said not really knowing how to feel at the moment. Both of them have something to do tomorrow so I don't really have any excuse to not go with Mr. Ji. "Well, I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning.

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