chapter 28

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Happy memorial day people, as a gift I will give this chapter in celebration. Hope you all like it.

Walking together at a night market Dongmyo market, Minyoung looked at her new surrounds amazed. She had never done anything like this, unlike Changwook who actually had done it with Yoona at least once every two weeks. they looked around and Minyoung had tried things she had never seen before in her life because they were not considered healthy or organic. arriving at one stall, Minyoung was looking at what the older woman sold. Changwook Just stood to the side avoiding eye contact with the woman who obviously saw him as familiar. Before she could call him out, a familiar good looking, deep-voiced, man ran over with a smile. "Ma'am, can I get a pound of rice puff cookies?" the woman nodded and began to work. "yah, I was here first, don't you know to wait in line?"Minyoung says annoyed. " Why we were behind you for a second and you didn't say anything so what do you expect?"" Taehyung?" Changwook asked after recognizing the voice. "Hyung, what are you doing?" Minyoung grabbed Changwook's arm and scowled at Taehyung. " you know him?" "calm down, he won't do anything to you. Plus he's right when there are other people waiting you can't just take your sweet time." she sighed and crossed her arms. Despite having a change of heart about herself and Changwook, she was still Minyoung and she was still an entitled little brat from time to time. "Minyoung and I are on a date, What about you, what are you doing here?" "we're just getting some stuff for dinner." He says cooly. "we?" "Taehyung hyung, wait for me before my noona catch us." they saw Jisung running towards him quickly. catching up, Taehyung quickly shoved some of the sweet treats into the young boy's mouth. "eh? what are you doing here?" Jisung finally noticed us but he didn't really want an answer because he started to pull Taehyung away. "Jisung, wait. "I grabbed his arm but he gave me a cold glare. "look I know it seems like I did a really heartless thing to Yoona and honestly if I were anyone else I would think the same thing but you have to hear me out. Minyoung has cancer and she wants to marry before she dies. I can't let her die suffering." Jisung shook his head. "look it doesn't matter why you did what you did, its just the fact that you did it. now leave me alone." Jisung left with Taehyung. Standing farther away I see Seohyun, Minho, and Yoona standing there watching us. I sighed as Yoona just looked at me as if she was looking right through me. I looked away when I felt Minyoung take a hold of my hand and interlock our fingers. "maybe we should go home." I nodded because I needed some time right now.


Myself, Jisung, Seohyun, Minho, and Taehyung had gone out to get some stuff together after our Meeting at XXX broadcasting station. The meeting went well but and we actually had a few people interested in making the show so we were going to have a little dinner to celebrate that but we wouldn't throw a party until the show was greenlit by the station. At the market, I saw Changwook and Minyoung but as normal I pretended they were not there but everyone else was not in the same mindset as myself. Back at our apartment Seohyun and Bogum helped me prepare the food for everyone. Bogum had gotten close to my friends over time so we accepted him easily. When dinner was ready, there was a huge speered on the table and after a quick cheer, we all ate happily. conversations started to rise and eventually, I became the topic of conversation. "So Yoona, What's your next step?" Sunny unnie asked sipping from her wine glass. Jisung had eaten and gone to bed because the adults had started their talk. Taking a sip from my own glass I sighed before speaking. "I think next month when I go looking for film locations in Thailand, I'm gonna spend a bit of time there. Is it just me or does this wine taste terrible?" "how much is a little?" Tiffany asked soberly because she is 4 of 6 unnie's designated driver. "half a year." "half a year? what are you gonna do in Thailand for half a year? " Seohyun asked about the sudden news. "regroup. I need some time to myself right now and I think going somewhere far away when I can just start over you know." "Daegu, Jeju, Busan, so many places you can go to. Why Thailand. it's so far away" she chuckled a bit. "that kind of my point Tae. I want to go somewhere I am completely new. A place that forces me to focus on me and Jisung and no one else. A place where I don't have to worry about bumping into Changwook or anything of that nature." "Yoona we get it. You want away from him but leaving the country for at least half a year. Isn't that a bit impulse. How will you survive in a place you don't know?" Taeyeon asked? "Don't worry so much about me. I can get along wherever I am and if I need help I'll be sure to reach for it. But for now, all I want is some peace with myself. I want to put myself back together before I put myself back out into the world. It's time to move on. I can't keep putting myself thought this and always for the same Goddam man. It amazes me too, after all these dreams of fearing one-sided love, here I am. Funny isn't it?" Normally I would pick up my glass again but form the first taste a second ago I'll just get a new bottle later.

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