Chapter 3

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I think I'll do updates every Friday like getting a new episode of one of your favorite TV shows. Hope you like it

Seohyun's Pov

I decided I would bring Yoona to work with me today so she could see the place. she I made sure she dressed properly for the place but I didn't want her to feel too stuffed in a suit.

 she I made sure she dressed properly for the place but I didn't want her to feel too stuffed in a suit

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When we arrived at the office building she was amazed by many things and it was cute cause she was like a kid

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When we arrived at the office building she was amazed by many things and it was cute cause she was like a kid. I showed her around the place and told her the places she shouldn't go because she doesn't know what they are for. I even showed her, her old work area and she hung out there for a while. She sat by me as I did my work and learned the basics of what I do. The reason I brought her with me today is that she gets so bored at the house by herself. Also, she told me how Woojin had come the other night while I was not home so I thought it would be smarter if I just brought her with me. I even assigned her task to do so she wouldn't get too bored just watching me. She would get us coffee or pick up sheets that I needed. She was pretty much being my assistant for the day. I was thinking about bringing her every day but to do that I would have to talk to Mr.Ji about that. Thankfully I will have the chance because I have to give him these papers I worked on for the meeting on Tuesday. I told Yoona to get us some coffee and wait in my office while I talked to my boss.
I made my way to his office with the file and wondered how I was going to ask him if Yoona could be an assistant around here u till she regained her memory full enough to work her old job. When I got to his office, I knocked on the door and waited for him to reply. "Enter." "Mr.Ji I brought the files for Tuesday." I said once I entered the room and placed the papers on his desk. "thank you." "Also, I wanted to ask you something." "Take a seat." He points to the seat in front of his desk and I sat down. "What's up?" "well, I brought Yoona to work with me today." He looked excited to hear this. "Really, where is she?" "In my office, I think but I wanted to ask you if it would be okay if I had her work here as an assassinate or something. I don't want her to be trapped and board at home all day. I also think maybe more exposure to her normal life will bring back some memories." I explained. "I don't know, she can't really do her old job." "I know but she can just help around with simple task and when she gets her memory back e will do her normal position." "well, I guess I'm fine with it. why don't you call her over here?" He says I nodded my head and pulled my phone out to call her. "Hello?" "unnie, can you come to the bosses office?" I heard Yoona say nothing. "Unnie?" "Joohyun, I don't know where that is." Mr.Ji can hear unnie and he had a chuckle for this." Hold on ill come get you." I hung up the phone. "Mr.Ji can you please excuse me?" He nodded his head as I got up and went to find Yoona unnie.
No one's Pov
Changwook stood up from his desk and walked to a shelve in his office. He didn't need anything from it but for some reason, he felt like he couldn't sit down. He waited like 5 minutes and was able to calm the nerves he didn't even know he had. At last, the door opened and he could hear Seohyun's voice even though his back was facing the door. "This is Mr.Ji's office unnie." He turned around with a deep breath ready to face Yoona after what feels like an eternity. Yoona finally made her way into the office and it seemed like with the snap of a finger time slowed down. The moment she walked in she made direct eye contact with Mr.Ji. It happened faster than Seohyun could blink and it letter her mouth a gaped. Yoona had run from the doors of the office into the surprised arms of Mr.Ji.

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