Chapter 5

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Author note

So Im thinking of doing updates at least one a week. But I'm debating if I should do it on Thursdays to be consistent or make a pattern for Fridays. I was gonna make it every other week but I knew I would be pisses at me too if I did that so I'm gonna try my best to update every week consistently. Hope you like it and tell me if you do.

Yoona's Pov

Joohyun held my hand as we walked around the build. She told me many stories of how we used to come here all the time and spend times with the kids, more specific Jisung; furthermore, she explained what I had told her before made me so attached to him when I was younger. We were walking past a room that let to the outside play area when Joohyun saw a photo of her and myself.

 We were walking past a room that let to the outside play area when Joohyun saw a photo of her and myself

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"wow, we were really young weren't we?" I asked as I saw the picture. This is Yoona is me but she seems like a me I never knew or like they have been saying a me I've always known but I can't seem to remember. "I think I was, man I don't even remember how old I was when we took this." That was the Joohyun who I found in my room in the palace when I was there. the woman who is standing next to me is the one I left when I died. I looked past the door to the outside play area where I saw a steep hill that was not too high but the slop was very straight compared to other hills I have seen. Suddenly I felt cold then warm again but I felt like I had been there before. with hurried steps, I rushed outside and stood at the edge where the flat ground met the hill and stood there watching it. Although the hill was steep, you could still climb it and that's when I saw what looked like ghost walk past my eyes. My little prince taking his first steps on a hill almost identical if not the same. My dream was showing without me being asleep but what was once Thai clothing turned into the clothing of a child from this century. his long hair turned into a short cut and he looked like he belonged here more than where I vividly remember this moment happening. As my son's figure took his steps, a familiar figure appeared before him. It was me crouched to the ground with my arms wide open. "Jisung-ah, come on." he toddled his way towards me and I cough him in my arms. The sight was just as I remembered it but now it seems more correct then what I dreamed. "unnie, are you okay?" Joohyun was not next to me and she looked where I was but unlike me she was confused. "Jisung took his first steps on this hill." she looked at me with wide eyes. "you remember?" I nodded as a lone tear rolled down my eye. "What else do you remember?" She asked happy I now remembered this. I shook my head. "That's all I can recall right now." "Unnie." She had a sad whine in her voice as she wiped my tear away. Thinking of how what I used to think was real and now admitting to myself it's not I still questioned myself of something. If none of it was real, should still try to find them. In this world, Jisung and Changwook are not with me how they were in the dream. What do I do now?
Joohyun's Pov
With a heavy sigh, unnie walked back into the building. We finished walking around and left. On the ride home, unnie didn't speak and just looked out the window as if the whole world had lost color and purpose in the past hour. When we arrived home, I wanted to talk to her about it but I needed to get ready for work. I switched shifts with a co-worker so I can take care of unnie in the day and work at night while she rests. I changed my clothes but before I left I walked to her room. I was about to knock on the door but I heard crying from the other side. There was a slight crack in the door so I could hear her and see her. She was sitting holding the photo book close to her. the low sound of her calling Jisung's voice broke my heart but at the moment my hands are tied. what his family allows is not my decision and I can force anything. With the finally thought that I should give her time to herself, I left and headed to work.

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