chapter 21

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Yoona's Pov
I was greeted by hugs from my unnies as they rejoice over the good news. "Now things can get back to normal. Yuri even went as far to have all of us stay away from Changwook." Sunny says running her hands through Yoona's hair gently. "Oh unnie, thank you but you don't have to give up your relationship with people for me. If you all want to keep hanging out with him, it's up to you and I will not interfere. " yuri silently felt relived Yoona was back at the moment she came. She fears she would have to lit her relationship at risk. "So what should we do now? Yoona has her memories back so what's next?" Taeyeon asked. "I have a suggestion." Seohyun raised her hands among her unnies. "Well, recently Yoona and I have come to the conclusion that whatever she dreamed about while she was out cold was not just a dream." "What do you mean?" Yuri asked. At this moment, the front door opened and Jisung stood in the doorway. "Hi, noonas." "Man don't you have the social life. Where were you this late?" Hyoyeon asked surprised the kid showed up so late? "Getting this with Chenle." He pulls out a book and hands it over to Yoona. "What's that Jisung-ah?" Sunny asked pulling him to sit next to her. Sunny adored children so her affection towards Jisung was normal. "Well, I asked my history teacher about a past king with the surname Ji and at first she said she had never heard of one. However, after class, she talked to me and told me that king was told to be real but something happened a long time ago that took out his entire empire in exception of a few. She warned me that I wouldn't find much but I could find some stuff if I looked carefully. So, after school, Chenle and I took the bus to the nearest college campuses and looked in their library. After a while, we found this." He pointed at the book. Sooyoung looked over at it. "The Hidden Tail of the Ji Empire." "This is crazy," Tiffany says calling her hands as she laughed at what she thought was impossible in pure shock. Seohyun looked at the time and got everyone's attention. "Unnies and Jisung. I know this is a lot to process right now and I hope you can help us but it's getting late and we all have work and school tomorrow." The remembered and prepared to leave. "We will stop by soon, we will keep this talk going," Taeyeon assured as they all left to go home. With the guest gone the 3 started to prepare for bed and go to sleep.

The next morning, Yoona woke up feeling refreshed and motivated. She took a shower and headed out in her robe.

She looked through her clothes with one hand on her lower back like a pregnant woman

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She looked through her clothes with one hand on her lower back like a pregnant woman. Finally putting an outfit together, she got dressed and headed to the kitchen. "Good morning." Yoona sang as she skipped in. "Yup Yoona's back," Seohyun says with a chuckle and it made Yoona smile. "Am I obvious?" She asked with a chuckle as she took a seat next to Jisung at the table. The 3 sat and ate together but while looking at the two people, Yoona let out a sigh and that made them look at her. "This is so nice. Do you know how happy I am to be back to myself?" She rubbed her face as if she had just put on a rubber mask. "Noona, it's nice seeing you so happy," Jisung says with a smile on his face. "Really? Well, noona is really happy, am you are a big reason why." She kissed his cheek with joy. Jisung being a teenage boy, of course, got shy but his noonas found it cute. "You too maknae. Come here." She pulled Seohyun closer and gave her a kiss on the cheek as well.

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