chapter 23

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"Everyone cheers!" Seohyun shouted as cups collided with joy. Everyone is currently in their apartment celebrating the two women returning custody over Jisung. When the court was over, they came to an agreement with his adoptive parents that he can visit them whenever he wants. He can speak and play with his brother and such as well. "You guys did a great job." Jongsuk complimented their calmness in court. "You did two Mr. Lee," Yuri says putting a grape up to his lips. He ate it gleefully. They were having fun but the Yoona stepped away because the doorbell rang. "Yes?" "Um, Yoona it's Changwook. Can I see you for a moment?" Yoona looked at everyone enjoying the little party and shrugged her shoulders. "I guess they won't notice I'm gone for a few minutes." She spoke to herself. She put on her shoes and headed outside. She grabbed a jacket because it was now towards the middle of the fall season. The leaves have changed colors and the air got a bit cooler. Taking the elevator down alone, she was left alone with few sounds. One was her own heartbeat which seemed to for some reason be speeding up suddenly. Placing her hand on the left side of her chest, she tried to calm herself. Finally, the elevator doors opened and she headed towards the front door. She could see Changwook standing outside waiting. She took a deep breath before she called him. "Mr. Ji."
He turned around and gave a smile that he tried to not look awkward or nervous. I walked out to hear him. "What brings you here?" "Well, I know today was your court date. How did it go?" He didn't go because of work and he turned the invitation to the celebration earlier. "Jisung is now in our custody. So it went very well." " Congratulations." He says happy for us. "Thanks, so what made you come by?" "Well, there is some stuff I really need to get off my chest." I nodded telling him I'm ready to listen. "I think, I like you." I stumbled a bit from my space because I lost my balance at the sudden confession. "What?" "Yoona, I think, I like you." He repeats. "Yeah I heard that but why so suddenly?" " it's not that I suddenly feel this way. I have been feeling like this for a while but I couldn't tell you and for a while, I was denying it myself." I crossed my arms and shook my head. "So what do you think?"  I could see the slight shake in his eyes. I sighed. "Look, Mr. Ji, I am going to be 100% real with you okay. I have liked you for a long time. Long before my accidents and memory loss. It seems that my lack of memory gave me the boldness to act on most of my feelings." I paused as I saw hope filling his eyes. "I won't get too ahead of myself if I were you. That has all changed now." I could see he was gripping his hands tightly for some reason. I have known Him for years and I could tell he was trying to keep himself calm. He didn't want me to see him fall apart. "Recent events have given me the reality of you." "What do you mean?" He asked confused. "I mean, I learned that you Mr. Ji, have no idea what you want. This past year or so has been full of a constant push and lull between the two of us. No matter what was going or was felt between you and me, you always went back to Minyoung. How am I to know you won't do it again? In short and blunt terms I don't trust you on that leave yet. I have been shown your duality more than I would have liked." He nodded his head in understanding. "If I promise I will change, will you give me a chance?" "Can you promise me Minyoung is out of the picture? Then maybe I can." He was silent and that meant I was more than likely right. I sighed before I spoke again. "Look, I know you called off your wedding and everything but that doesn't mean you and her are over." He nodded his head. "Say something don't just nod. If you want a chance, you can't be that submissive. Relationships with a pushover guy are boring." "Sorry." I shook my head. "Mr. Ji I can't stand here and tell you that you have a chance with me. Because once again I don't trust you. If you want that chance, you are going to have to earn my trust back. I would like to say I am being reasonable with this." He nodded his head. "With that said, do you wanna come inside?" "Ne?"

I felt horrible for what I put her through but I can't change it now. All I can do is work to get her back. When she invited me inside, I felt thrown off. " huh?" " what? Just because we are not daring doesn't mean I can't treat you as a friend." I nodded my head and followed her inside the apartment. I was welcomed by everyone and we had a lot of fun. When the party was over, everyone was cleaning up when I got a call. I stepped out to the balcony and answered it. "mom, what's wrong?" " Ji Changwook, you have a to of explaining to do, open your door." I was surprised. "you're outside of my house? but I'm not home." "Where are you then? timing coming to you." she says but he stopped her. "no mom, ill come home now. just wait for me there." at that moment, Yoona walked outside gathering some things. I hung up my phone. "hey, I have to go." "You okay?" she put what she was holding down. "yeah, but my mom just showed up at my place and I have to go see her." "did you drive here or did you walk?" she asked. "walked. " she nodded her head. "give me a second, ill drive you home. you will get there faster." "you don't have to I can run it." I assured her but she refused. "its no problem, let's go." she walked away without letting me turn her down. 

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