chapter 22

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A few weeks later, Yoona, Seohyun, and Jisung sat in their living room with Jongsuk. Tomorrow, they were to go to court and ask Jisung to be put into their care. Jongsuk will be on their side fighting for them to get custody over jisung so they were not worried. Well, jisung was feeling a bit uneasy about something. His noonas didn't know that he had spoken to his adopted mother. After she had gone to chenle's house, he felt a bit guilty about refusing to hear her out. His noonas had always been fair people so he gave her a call and they met a few days ago

I sat in a cafe alone, waiting for my adoptive mother to arrive. After a few minutes, she finally did had tears in her eyes as she rushed over to me. "My baby, I'm so happy you called me." She hugged me but I felt awkward. It's been years since she had done that. She took a seat and wiped her eyes while I just waited. ”have you been well?" I asked to break the ice I was feeling. "No need to be uncomfortable jisung-ah, mom won't bite you." She says take my hand that was resting on the table. "How about we order something?" She says picking up a menu. I took my hand back and shook my head. "No thank you, I'm full already." "You look to alright, are they treating you well?" She asked with a disappointment in her tone. "Very well. So why did you want to speak to me?" "I won't beat around the bush dear. I want you to come home to me, your father, and brother, we miss you." I rolled my eyes as her words. "Sorry but I find that hard to believe." "I understand you are upset with us but you could have spoken to us about it. You didn't have to run away from home. Isn't that going a bit overboard?" She asked. I shook my head and got up to leave but she grabbed my hand. "Jisung-ah please, you know we love you." "Then why didn't you show it? I don't think I'm going overboard at all. You, your husband, and your real son didn't care about me. Your husband only cared when it was convenient for him. Your son knew he had both of you wrapped around his finger. That why he got away with everything and I took the blame. And you, you don't care like you think you do. Even if you feel guilty, that doesn't change what you did." I was leaving but she spoke. "Your right." "I known in right, I don't need you to tell me." She grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the seat. "We didn't do as we should have in recent years. I am very sorry for what you have suffered through. But I will make you a promise. If or when you come home, you will get everything you have always wanted. The attention, the affection, the love. All of it. I can't explain why we didn't do it but I can promise you will have it." The offer was tempting and I think she could sense my hesitation. "I understand this is a lot to think about. I will give you time to think it over. If you make a decision before the cost date, give me a call." She kissed my forehead before she left the cafe. I watched her leave and felt my head hurt from this thinking.
"So Jisung-ssi, you need to explain to the jury and judge. We don't know who will be in the jury but you sale your case already. A young boy who wants to love in with the girls who took care of him as a child after his adoption parents neglected and gook advantage of him. The best kind of jury for hour case would-be parents. Normally people would say mothers specify but there Is more that can be swayed. Yoona could see that Jisung seemed spaced out. She patted his head gently. " oppa, I think jisung needs some rest. This is very stressful for him. Why don't we let him rest?" Jongsuk nodded? Jisung went to his room and felt mentally exhausted. He didn't even realize he had fallen asleep. The thoughts of should chose to go back to the parks or stay with the noona ran through his head. As he thought of this, a new idea popped into his head.

My noonas have raised since I was a baby. They were teenagers but would willingly come to see me, play with me, bring me treats and toys. They love me but am I being a burden on them? For the past few years, they had been live calm and happy lives. But as soon as I reappeared, nothing is the same anymore. He felt like crawling into a corner to cry at the thought. However, be seemed to be surrounded by darkness. "Why are you crying?" The small voice shocked him. He opened his eyes and came face to face with what seemed like a ghost.

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