Chapter 12

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Jisung's Pov

Its the 3rd day of my 2nd week here at Chenle's house and I am happy because my noonas have taken me and my friends out a lot. we went to a lot of fun places like the amusement park, movies, restaurants, We even went to their house and just chilled. I took a bunch of pictures to keep for myself. My noona's had work today but they asked if we could meet for dinner. They also invited Chenle's mother because they knew she had been being left out. Chenle and I went to a PC Bang today and gamed for a while while we waited for them to get off of work.

Yoona's Pov

For the past 3 days, I have felt more whole than I ever did and it's all because I have been with Jisung. I thought back to how in my dream when I had Jisung never needed the King and now that I have Jisung I don't need him now. I never realized how much I was pushed out of my comfort zone just for my son. I was walking down the hall into the break room when Mr. Ji was making himself some coffee. He and I hadn't spoken since we got back and I'm glad because it has to give me time to focus on me and what I want to do. Maybe a bit of time away can give me what I need to get myself fully together. He looked towards the door and saw that I had walked in and this made everything he was doing not important anymore. I just bowed to him before walking to the other side of the room. I made myself some tea silently but I could feel he was watching me. I didn't do anything about it and kept to myself because I didn't intend to speak to him. "Yoona-ssi." I turned around. "Yes?" "Um, how was the rest of your trip?" he seemed to hesitate at first. "It was fun, thank you for asking. How were the meetings?" "they were okay, not as fun as your vacation I think." I heard him chuckle because he was trying to not sound awkward. I just nodded my head and continued to make my tea but I could feel he needed to say something. "Look Yoona, I'm sorry I made us like this but." "Please, Mr. Ji just stop. I don't want nor do I need your guilt or your pity. I am fine and I told you before I didn't intend to get involved like this. I respect the fact that you are with someone.


Something was different about Yoona. she wasn't the same way she was when I was with her in China. Now she is more confident. She is even talking back to me and I know I shouldn't be thinking this but is really sexy. "I know it's just that I feel bad. I know you have feelings for me and I feel something for you but." "There you go again. Look Mr. Ji I'm done with this I feel you but I can't have you mess. If you want to be with me, be with me and stop being a coward. If you want to be with Minyoung-ssi, then stop regretting your choice and so what you have chosen." I was beyond surprised as she started to walk away. I didn't even realize that I had grabbed her hand to prevent her from leaving me. "What's got into? you're starting to act differently." she let out a sigh. When I got back from my trip, something happened and it made me feel a change. I don't mean any disrespect but I am so tired of hoping a praying that somehow you will be with me. Life is too short for that and I don't wanna waste any more time on this. Can we please just forget about this whole thing. Just pretend I never had feelings for you and I will pretend I never did either." I squeezed her hand a bit because I didn't want to let her go. I was determined to keep her I didn't know what I was gonna do to keep her but I was going to. However, she pulled her hand away from herself and left me there with a clenched hand. I stayed there for a few minutes lost in thought before I walked out of the room. I heard Yoona's voice still in the hallway when I got out of the break room and she was happily talking to someone. "yes yes, noona will work quickly and come to get you soon. I promise it won't take long, just another hour or so. yes, we will have a lot of fun. I'm hanging up, love you." She ended the call and put her phone in her skirt pocket before walking back to Seohyun's office. "Who was that? is she dating someone? it's a young guy as well?" I was surprised that is only been a week, scratch that a few days since I turned her down and she's already saying I love you to another man. I went back to my office pissed about who this and didn't know what to do.

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