M A R K ; 𝒶𝒹𝑜𝓇𝒶𝒷𝓁𝑒

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『 a day without laughter is a day wasted 』 


" your laugh is so weird dude " sherry sniggered and nudged my shoulder before leaving me with Mark and a few other students and walking over to her own table.

i know sherry was just joking and didnt actually mean to hurt me but my smile immediately faded away. i had this uncomfortable feeling that i couldnt describe in the pit of my stomach. the joke she just told no longer sounded hilarious to me anymore. i felt emotional all of a sudden and i hated myself for being so sensitive.

the other students around Mark's table were deep in their own conversations, leaving an akward silence between Mark and i. i suddenly felt so out of place in my class which was filled with giggles and chattering and all i was doing was stare at my feet uncomfortably.Mark and i were best friends and we were always talking. always. why is he suddenly so quiet? why am i suddenly so quiet?

from the corner of my eye, i could see Mark staring at me. his eyes full of concern. he opened his mouth to say something,but closed it again. as though he was hesitant to say something.

clearing his throat, he pulled a chair from another table next to his and gestured me to sit down. i nodded and took my place beside him, waiting for Mark to say something.

" you know, sherry is starting to get on my nerves " Mark suddenly stated bluntly , as he leaned on his chair and stared at the ceiling.

" what why? "

" are you seriously asking that? " Mark sighed, rubbing his temples as though he was stressed out or something.

i just shrugged and he continued.

" i have seen you get quiet and ashamed multiple times when sherry makes fun of your laugh. i didnt want to say anything the first few times because you said it didnt actually affect you. but i know you're lying y/n " Mark looked into my eyes, waiting for a reply. when i started playing with my fingers and didn't say a word, he continued again.

" do you know..that it hurts me too. when i see my best friend getting so hurt like that. you could've just told me that sherry's words were actually affecting you. i would've talked to sherry about it. arent best friends meant to make you feel better when you're feeling down? "

" im sorry.. i just couldn't accept the fact that i was getting all sad just because people said my laugh is weird. i feel so dumb. getting sad over such a small matter. i feel like im being overly sensitive " i confessed. i felt a tiny bit better, now that i managed to talk to someone about it.

" people can be sad about anything they want. whether its about their marks, or their friends or anything at all. you're not being overly sensitive. i got really pissed off just because someone stepped on my new shoes by accident. and it didn't even leave a mark. get it?? mark~ anywayy, your laugh is special y/n. i think its cute honestly" mark grinned, hoping to make me feel better. which i already have.

" since when do you compliment me ? "i raised one of my eyebrow with a grin ,making Mark frown.

" im trying to be a supportive and amazing best friend here jeez. why you gotta ruin itt " Mark groaned.

i laughed, seeing Mark acting all irritated.

suddenly, he was smiling ear to ear while staring at me.

" what's wrong with your face " i laughed again,seeing his smile grow bigger.

" your laugh really is adorable. " Mark grinned and i rolled my eyes in response,although that phrase warmed my heart a little.

" but hey, once i think about it, someone once said that both our laughs sound the same and are really weird " i smiled, as my memories flashed to the time me and mark were laughing so hard at the cafeteria because of a joke and literally everyone were staring at us.

" oh yeeaaahhh. wasnt it the time i was laughing so hard that i snorted out strawberry milk out of my nose ? " mark slapped his thigh continuously while laughing really hard again ,making me crack up as well as i recalled the hilarious incident a few months ago.

finally, when both of us managed to calm down , Mark grinned and squeezed my hand.

" since we're known for having similar laughs, i guess my laugh is adorable too right? " mark grinned cutely.

" absolutely "


my very first imagine :)) i hope it wasnt so bad thoo. i promise i'll improve over time 🤞🏼requests are open! 📝 read 🦋 ( first chapter) for info on requesting ! 

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