J E N O ; 𝒾 𝓉𝓇𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊

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『 'I trust you' is a better compliment than 'i love you' because you may not always trust the person you love but you can always love the person you trust 


special thanks to dongsyoki for the request! ❤️❤️

the land of Utopia, where good is separated from evil.

the ordinary. that's what we call the good ones. 

completely ordinary people. living completely normal lives. 

and we have the gifted or so we call the cursed.

people who were born as 'creatures'. legend says that there are families of vampires and werewolves. and that they are looking for blood.

not just any blood, but the blood of the specials. blood that could cure and reverse curses.

and it's said the specials are among the ordinary. hiding,protecting their treasured family.

afraid that the cursed would endanger the ordinary to obtain the blood of specials , the royal family of Utopia had separated the two, an enormous wall that is impossible to pass through or even climb over.

for thousands of years, people tried but failed. nothing could pass through it, over it or under it. but it's not like they actually wanted to go to the other side.

the ordinary are still afraid of the legacies. afraid of the cursed. they feel much safer behind the thick walls, peaceful and calm.

it has been more than a century and yet the same story is still being passed down by parents to their children.

isn't anyone at all curious about what's going on on the other side? 


" ma, pa, i'm going out for a bit. to visit the bookstore! " y/n called out to her parents who were in the kitchen, putting on her shoes hurriedly.

" okay! just take care and be back home before 5. love you! " y/n's mother replied, waving her off.

" love you too! " y/n blew a kiss, scurrying out of the huge brown door.

as soon as she closed the door behind her, she took in a deep breath, a smile spreading on her face.

the air felt fresh and the scent of the trees was lingering in the sky.

it was perfect.

a perfect day for an exploration.

there's no way she could miss this opportunity.

taking a quick glance around, y/n fished out her journal. 

the journal that contains all the information that she needs to know about the gifted. she started a year ago, collecting all the facts and theories she could find in the bookstore and listing them all in this journal of hers. 

her prized possession.

grinning to herself, y/n took a step foward, just to be held back by a hand on her shoulder.

" where do you think you're going? " ray, y/n's older brother, questioned. his lips formed a straight stiff line, his arms crossed over his chest.

" the bookstore. duh " y/n rolled her eyes, annoyed at how ray would always somehow ruin her plans.

" pft. the bookstore is closed today. and you know it. you really think you slick huh? " ray chuckled softly, mocking his sister.

" ugh you're such an annoyance you know that? " y/n scoffed, looking away frustratingly.

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