J A E H Y U N ; 𝕣𝕖𝕡𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕝𝕚𝕧𝕖

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my manicured fingers tapped impatiently on the glass table of the chic cafe in town

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my manicured fingers tapped impatiently on the glass table of the chic cafe in town. the weather was amazing. actually, more than just amazing. it was the best time to hang out with friends by the beach and get ice cream, or take a stroll in the breezy park.

my eyes wandered to the street through the slightly smudged window. everyone looked like they were having a good time. wide smiles, crinkled eyes. everyone around me seemed to have been infected by the happy disease.

except me

" why is my coffee taking so long... " i muttered grumpily under my breath.

i promise you im not usually a very impatient person. especially over an innocent cup of coffee. but it was difficult to remain positive when your co-worker stole your very important project just because you fell sick for almost a whole week. and of course, being the snobby bitch she is, she just had to take my only chance to be promoted to chief producer away.

" ma'am, here's your coffee. sorry for the delay, " a waitress hurriedly place the cup of coffee on my table before scurrying away.

she must've been busy. man, i would have been very busy now too if i still had a project to work on for the year..

the feeling of sadness consumed my body once again as i slowly stirred my cup of coffee. taking a sip, my eyebrows automatically turned into a frown as i realised that they got my order wrong. i don't even like matcha one bit. but i had no energy to complain like a karen would. so i just gulped it all down my throat like a champ.

the bitter taste of the coffee resonated with the bitterness of my soul.

i wanna go home

pushing my cup to the middle of the table, i got ready to leave the cafe before my ringtone started playing.

' Bass kick swingin' like I'm Bruce Lee ' Mr Grumpy Pants is calling ...

my eyes slightly widened as my boss' contact number flashed on the screen. but why would he be calling me? i technically have nothing left to do in my company for the rest of the year. i know most people would be really happy about that, but not me. i absolutely love my job as a journalist.

" uhm yes Mr Chan? "

" y/n, come to the office now. we need to have an emergency meeting. " his rough voice boomed out of my phone.

" w-what? but sir i'm so far from work, you told me i could just go home so- "

" hush now, i'm not looking for excuses. get your ass here in 20 minutes or you're fired "


and just like that, i was running. running as fast as i could like my life depended on it. i mean, technically this job is the only reason that i'm doing financially well as of right now. so yes my life depended on this stupid emergency meeting.

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