W I N W I N ; 𝓈𝓀𝒾𝓃𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓅

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 a friendship or relationship taken up a notch with contact via skin  』


special thanks to Sanabuii for the request! ❤️❤️

" doyoung ahhhh " y/n greeted, wrapping her arms over doyoung's shoulders and giving him a tight squeeze.

" you camee " doyoung grinned, knowing exactly who it is before even turning to face y/n.

y/n was the only person that would greet every single member by giving them a tight squeeze.

well, except for winwin.

and ironically, winwin is y/n's boyfriend.

as much as y/n wants to squeeze him with all her might because of how precious winwin is to y/n, she knows how uncomfortable winwin gets when it comes to skinship.

it doesn't matter how light the touch is. a single accidental stroke of their hands touching would make winwin feel akward and stiff. 

everytime they meet, y/n would try her best not to make winwin uncomfortable and he appreciates her effort for that. although y/n fails to do so most of the time because of how touchy she is.

winwin, who just entered the room, blushed when he noticed y/n's presence. it was no doubt that he was completely whIPPED for her.

but he couldn't help but feel a teensy bit jealous that y/n looked much more  comfortable and happy around the other members than around him.

" y/n ah, your beloved untouchable boyfriend is here~ " johnny cooed, wriggling his eyebrows at winwin who just rolled his eyes in annoyance.

the 'untouchable boyfriend' nickname given to him annoys winwin all the time - without fail.

since it pretty much reminds the couple how they have never actually held hands once in their 2 years old relationship.

except that one time which lasted for 3 seconds before winwin pulled away due to the akwardness.

" oh winwin ! " y/n beamed, running towards winwin with her arms right open - ready to squeeze him.

just as she was about to pull him into a hug,she stopped herself. akwardly putting her hands down by her side, y/n just gave a small wave, realising her mistake.

" hey y/n " winwin blushed,his heart already beating at the speed of lightning at the sight of y/n in front of him.

he secretly kinda sorta wanted y/n to hug him like how she hugged doyoung, but he knows that his instincts would make him pull away immediately.

" i came to visit you and the guys. i hope i wasn't disrupting anything " y/n smiled sweetly like the angel she is, making winwin squeal internally.

" of course not! im really really glad you came. wanna grab coffee with me at starbucks outside? "winwin asked hopefully, really wanting to spend more time with his one and only girlfriend.

" is that even a question?? " y/n giggled, putting her coat on while winwin grabbed his mask.

just as they were about to leave the room,  taeil called out to them - making the two turn around abruptly.

" oh yeah and before we forget, we're gonna have a new year dinner party as a whole group next wednesday. we were wondering if winwin would like to bring y/n along too? " taeil offered, making y/n's eyes lit up.

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