R E N J U N ; 𝓈𝓂𝒾𝓁𝑒!

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『 a smile is the prettiest thing you can wear  』


i broke in cold sweat as i realised that it was going to be my turn next. glancing at my parents who were sitting on my right, busy typing away on their laptops. they didn't even bother comforting me or telling me that i was going to be just fine.

when are they ever without laptops on their laps?

i bit my nails nervously, scanning the waiting room of a dental clinic. the smell of dental products make me sick and i just wanted to go home instantly. i glanced over to my left, a boy who seemed like the same age as me , was constantly fidgeting. his hands gripping his seat and then releasing it again.

he must be as nervous as i am

trying to get rid of the anxiety from the pit of my stomach, i turned towards the boy bravely and tapped his shoulder.

" you must be really nervous. im y/n ! what's your name? "

the unknown boy, turned towards me in shock, not expecting a conversation from a stranger. he bit his lip before looking down at his crocs nervously.

" im renjun "

realizing his uncomfortable state, i shifted a bit closer to him and faced him with a wide friendly grin on my face.

" you dont have to be nervous when you're talking to me. im nice. and besides, we look the same age. how old are you ? " i questioned renjun, awaiting his reply.

" i..uhm..im 9. how about you? " renjun asked back, answering with a little more confidence compared to before.

" OMG ME TOO " i squealed, excited to find a friend with the same age i was.

renjun laughed at my sudden excitement, finally daring to make proper eye contact.

" y/n.. aren't you scared of the dentist? im so scared but you seem so brave " renjun pouted, crossing his arms across his chest.

" i AM scared. very very very scared. buTTT, now that ive found a friend, im not as afraid anymore " i grinned, eventhough i was still shaking of fright inside.

" we're friends? " renjun looked up at me with sparkling eyes.

" OF COURSE " i exclaimed, happiness filling my heart.

renjun's lips curled up into a wide smile, making me giggle.

" awesome " renjun leaned back onto his chair, letting out a satisfied breath.

" renjun " i whispered into his ear, pointing towards a guy beside him.

" who's that guy? "

without even turning to look, he whispered back.

" my annoying older brother. he's the one who forced me to get my tooth fixed "

" see? " renjun opened his mouth wide, pointing at a crooked tooth of his.

" woahh. " i gasped.

" i dont want to get it fixed though " renjun pouted.

" i think its really cool. you shouldn't get it fixed. your brother is probably just jealous because he doesn't have an awesome tooth like yours " i stated simply, making renjun smile happily.

" you really think its cool? " renjun's eyes lit up.

i nodded my head enthusiastically, earning a another wide grin from renjun.

" who are you with? your parents? did they drag you here too? what happened? " renjun attacked me with questions.

" yeah, they're my parents. they are always working so they don't spend much time with me. they only brought me here because they think i've been eating too much sweets. they say i probably have casities? or something like that " i shrugged.

" cavities " renjun corrected.

" yeah that. look at them renjun. my parents will never have time for me " i pouted, looking down sadly.

" don't worry y/n! maybe they're just really busy. they will find time for you. cheer up! " renjun poked my cheeks, making me feel all better again.

" thanks renjun " i smiled warmly.

suddenly, the door of the dental room was pushed open and a sniffling kid and her parents came out, followed by a guy in a white coat and a mask soon after.

" y/f/n ? " ( your full name ) the guy, who i assumed was the dentist, read out from a list and immediately went back into the room. panicked, i looked at renjun who looked as afraid as i was.

" y/n lets go " my mom, pulled my hand gently, proceeding to keep her laptop in her bag. my father did the same and stood up, walking towards the brown door.

gripping my mom's hand tightly, i followed her behind as we entered the room.

the last thing i saw before i completely lost sight of the waiting room was renjun giving me the thumbs up.

the entire checkup flew past as a blur. i cried in pain a few times during the checkup but after i was finished, i felt so much better. the dentist was as scary as i imagined and as usual, my parents just asked if i was okay and continued being emotionless.

when i went out of the room, i was expecting to see renjun sitting at the same spot. i was so excited to tell him all about the checkup. all about the super bright light and the cool sunglasses they made me wear.

my heart sank the moment my eyes landed on the empty seat. with some hope left, i scanned the room but he just wasn't there. my mood went from 100 to a complete zero.

where did you go renjun?

seeing that my parents have already made payment, i knew that we were going to leave soon.

" cmon dear " my father held my hand, as the three of us walked out of the dental clinic.

knowing that i would never get to meet my friend again, i sighed and gripped my father's hand even tighter.

i guess nothing really lasts forever

it was great meeting you renjun

till we meet again 


there will probably be a part 2 to this chapter :D

i initially wanted to just finish the story in one chapter but it was 1am the time i wrote this and  i had an exam the next day oops. i was so tired i slept straightaway 😅 

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