{ requests are closed for now :( }
-- oh, to be living a magical dream of love and mysteries
.:*・DREAM , U , 127 , WAYV *.
✎ all stories are originally written by me !
special thanks to Morg4nL3i17 for the request! ❤️❤️
" ahh i'm so nervous! " y/n exclaimed as she rubbed her sweaty palms together.
" what's the need to be nervous? you're our star y/n. " yeri grabbed hold of her hand and gave it a slight squeeze.
meanwhile, the two were sitting on separate chairs while each of their hairdressers were attending to them.
" i can't believe nct dream is gonna be on the show with us toooo. i'm such a big fan of them " wendy appeared beside y/n with a small fan in her hand, smiling idiotically to herself.
[ it's supposed to a pun if y'all didn't catch that lmAo. she said she's a big fan of them and she's holding a fan ]
" hilarious wendy " yeri rolled her eyes, while wendy and y/n were laughing their heads off.
" y/n y/n!! " seulgi, who was a few metres away from where y/n was sitting, called out for her.
" hm? " y/n turned her head to her right slightly, where seulgi was surrounded by 3 makeup artists who were trying to touch up her makeup after she perspired too much.
" is your brother gonna be there toooo? i mean, he already graduated from dream.. " seulgi trailed off, pouting slightly.
" yeap, he told me he was gonna be there too. i guess he's still considered as part of dream? " y/n shrugged.
as soon as seulgi heard that mark was going to be in the same variety show as her, her lips curled up into a wide smile.
" seulgi is wHIPPED for your brother y/n " wendy giggled, making seulgi blush slightly.
" i know " y/n winked at seulgi, giving her a thumbs up.
" renjun and jeno are my main hOes " yeri grinned playfully.
" bASIC ASS BITCHES. jaemin and chenle are the only superior ones. fight me " joy appeared out of nowhere, completely dressed up and ready to get on the show.
" jisung does not deserve this slander! he is worth everything! " y/n defended, making all 5 of them ended up laughing.
" red velvet, y'all have to leave this dressing room in 5 minutes so please ensure that everything is ready " a staff entered the room to give the announcement before rushing off to another venue.
" wait a second, where's irene? " wendy scanned the room, just to spot irene rushing over to them barefoot with heels in her hands from the corner of the room.
" s-sorry you guys. my heels broke suddenly so i had to get new ones " irene panted as she used one hand to support herself with the wall and the other to put on her heels.
" i'll help you " y/n outstretched her hand, allowing irene to lean on her while she put on her shoes.
" thanks " irene grinned, standing upright and dusting off her outfit right after.
" you look adoRABLE by the way. tryna impress somebody hmm? " irene nudged y/n's shoulder, who just blushed in response.
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