H E N D E R Y ; 𝕒𝕔𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥

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^^ ok but what the fricking fuck hendery??? how dare you attack me like this at 2am in the morning 😖

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^^ ok but what the fricking fuck hendery??? how dare you attack me like this at 2am in the morning 😖

𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 : moonilbby

" i'm sorry junhao. we can't do this anymore. i'm tired..i'm tired of being criticised by the public each time i'm seen around you. and you have never stood up for me..to defend me..what kind of husband are you?! " my voice wavered, as my eyes briefly skimmed the lines on my script.

" nice! but remember this is the time you have to cry. you have to break down in both sadness and anger. you need to sound like you're really done. done with everything. you won't need eye drops though right? you can cry naturally? i mean,, you are one of the most talented actresses i know " my director instructed, adding an extra compliment that made me blush slightly.

" hehe thank you! i'll work hard director-nim! " i put up a ' hwaiting! ' fist which he eventually returned with another.

as he moved on to give out instructions and advice to the other actors on the set, i made my way to the couches along the sides, where i usually practice my lines by reading them out aloud multiple times. clearing my throat and adjusting my sitting position, i began to read my lines aloud, just to be interrupted by my ringtone, ' Limitless ' from NCT 127.

a bOP

placing my script on my lap and picking my phone up, the caller id called 'mom🥰' lit up on my screen, making my lips curl up into a small smile.

" hello? mom? "

" y/n darling~ how is my famous actress doing on set? "

" i'm not really famous mom " i chuckled.

" of course you are! all my friends know about you! "

" is it because you told them? "

" no! they told ME. they were like ' omg your daughter is a star in that drama you know?! ' yeah no sHIT of course i know my daughter is acting in a popular drama "

" woah mom since when do you use the unholy S word? "

" your brother said that's how you youth talk nowadays "

" pft- ookay. you do you mom "

" anywayyyy, how's your ' husband ' wink wink "

" did you just wink on the phone "

" yes "

" mom no "

" mom yes "

" you mean hendery? the actor who aCTS as my husband in the drama? "

" yeah that's what i said "

" keksjsdjjd okay mom okay "

" he's pretty cute don't you think? is ma girl interested by any chance? " mom cooed over the telephone, and i could already imagine her wriggling her eyebrows suggestively.

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