J E N O ; 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒷𝑒𝒶𝒸𝒽

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『 you can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore 』


The cool breeze ran through my wavy light brown hair and the sand between my toes made my feet tickle. The smell of salty sea lingered around my nose, making my heart feel at peace.

The beach was most probably my favourite place to be in the whole entire world. The bright shining sun makes me feel all warm outside and inside. And the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore is the type of music i would never get bored listening to. despite my tight schedule, now that im in a decent university, ill always try to complete all my work as fast as possible just so i could visit the beach.

i don't even need anyone to accompany me. sometimes, being alone makes me feel at peace. i could stay at the beach for hours and never want to leave.


there's just one teeny tiny problem

im terrified of the ocean


listening and watching the ocean is everything to me. but i can never learn to enter to ocean. never.

watching groups of people playing in the waters doesn't really affect me. they can have all the fun they want to.

and as long as i dont touch the ocean, im all good.

I hummed softly to myself as i strolled along the beach. The sun was about to set and more people were leaving the beach over time. The wind was still strong, making my casual light blue swing dress flutter in the wind. Eventhough i was strolling across the coast of the beach, i knew how to keep my distance from the ocean waters. my eyes were constantly checking whether i was too close.

people probably think im weird for always keeping my distance from the waters

i was too busy admiring the sunset when i felt a strong pain on my shoulder, making me drop my sandals that were in one of my hand. i groaned in pain as i rubbed the side of my shoulder.

what the hecking fish nuggets

suddenly, a guy came running up to me, a worried and guilty expression sprawled across his face.

" ohmygod, im so so so sorry. are you okay? are you hurt? " he asked, trying to check on my shoulder.

annoyed, i pushed him away, trying to get my personal space back.

" tsk " i rolled my eyes , before picking up my sandals from the sand and walking away, leaving the confused guy behind.

two days of stressful sleepless nights passed and i finally managed to save up some time to visit the beach again. despite my packed schedule, i had around an hour and a half before i had to return back to campus.

like my previous visits to the beach, after strolling along the beach, i would find sit on the waterbreaker made up of huge flat rocks, making it really comfortable for me. my eyes wandered across the ocean as i smiled to myself. the wind gently blowing in my hair.

" you should smile like that more often " i heard someone mutter, before taking a seat beside me.

turning to face the stranger, my eyes widened as i realized that the so called stranger was the one who apologised to you two days before for injuring your shoulder. my mouth went slightly open as i observed the latter's face.

oh my cheese biscuits he's so handsome.

wAit nO bad y/n

" im jeno " he smiled, his eyes doing the same. he reached out his hand towards me, gesturing for a handshake.

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