{ requests are closed for now :( }
-- oh, to be living a magical dream of love and mysteries
.:*・DREAM , U , 127 , WAYV *.
✎ all stories are originally written by me !
" mark, will you please pass me yeri's bottle " i sighed exasperatedly, struggling to carry my squirming daughter in my arms.
" here ya go " my husband passed the bottle to me swiftly before scrambling towards the kitchen to pack our children's food in their respective bags.
" juwon stop poking your sister with a pencil! " i chided, my forehead creasing as i gently rocked my youngest side to side while feeding him milk.
" but hera did it first! " " no i didn't! liar liar pants on fire! "
" kids please, your sister is trying to fall asleep " i hushed them, making them scurry into the kitchen where mark was.
" daddy! juwon lied to mommy just now! " hera complained to a very busy mark, who had diapers in one hand and toys in his other.
" ah, juwon it's not nice to lie. go apologise to mommy " mark shooed them away from the kitchen, turning back his attention to packing the bags.
" ha ha! you got scolded! " hera teased juwon, who just huffed in anger.
" he didn't scold me! he just told me to apologise stupid! "
" shHHH " juwon clamped his hand over his sister's mouth, keeping her silent as she frowned angrily.
" wh- "
" you don't want to wake yeri up do you? look, mommy just placed her into the crib "
" that's such an excuse " hera rolled her eyes in annoyance.
at that moment, i dashed out of the bedroom, a thin layer of sweat draped over my entire body. getting a broom and a dustpan, i swept the floor like it was the last thing i'll ever do.
meanwhile, the sound of dishes being washed and bottles falling onto the ground could be heard from the kitchen, making hera and juwon look at each other in confusion.
" psst, why is mommy and daddy extra busy today? they look so tired " juwon pouted, seeing our stressed out state.
" i dunno, i think we're going to grandma's place " hera mumbled.
" are we going to grandma's place mommy? "
" ah-yes yes. so you both better get ready. grandma can't wait to see you two " i answered with a weak smile, wiping away the sweat trickling down my forehead.
" yayy we're camping at grandma's place! mommy and daddy are coming with us too right? "
" we- " i was soon interrupted by the sound of the house telephone ringing, making my head hurt a bit.