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-- oh, to be living a magical dream of love and mysteries
.:*・DREAM , U , 127 , WAYV *.
✎ all stories are originally written by me !
you know how in movies or dramas, it's usually the men who confesses their love first. either with a huge surprise or a sudden sweet kiss.
or maybe even over texts (which i was never fond of)
growing up as a kid, dreaming of the day the girl in the drama would be me.
funny how i was so clueless as a kid. i even wrote out a script of how i was going to react and answer to a flattering confession.
until reality hit me in the face that made me realise that love movies/dramas aren't very realistic compared to real life.
getting actual gifts and love letters face-to-face from your secret admirer really was a rare sight. but definitely not uncommon in movies! ha ha .. :(
and what stumped me even more was that, confessing isn't as simple as it sounds.
just because a guy likes you, doesn't mean he's going to confess to you immediately.
or even plan a huge surprise to win your heart.
i guess i really was deceived by stereotypes of the media.
or maybe i just kept watching similar dramas..idk 🤷♀️
but then i got slapped again by reality.
because i just found out about the oBvIOUS
that girls can confess too!1!1!1
that we don't just act cute and wait for someone to confess their feelings for you
wow i'm so proud of myself. i was sUCH a smart kid.
i was really glad that i could take matters into my own hands and that my fairytale dream would come true so easily
and so i thought.
i was in grade 4 when it happened.
i got rejected
dumbstruck with the unfamiliar pain in my gut, i felt so embarrassed to even have the thought and hope that the coolest guy in school would like me back.