chapter three

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Gray and I silently walked to my Jeep. When we finally settled into our seats and I began to back out.

"So are you dating her and not telling me, or..?" he asked abruptly. I slammed on the brakes, snapping my neck to look at him.

"No," I said wearily.

"You're a fuckin' liar." Grayson chuckled. "It's so obvious. I'm not mad, bro. Do what you want."

"We're not dating," I said confidently.

"But you definitely have a thing." Grayson accused. I continued backing out. "Now I know you haven't done this since middle school, but you are a raging flirt."

"Shut up," I said, fighting off a smile. "I don't know what we're doing. I haven't had just a girl friend in a long time, so I don't even know the difference."

"Bryant and I have talked. We think it's more than friendship." Grayson said quickly.

"Damn. Don't you have something better to do?" I scolded, turning onto the interstate.

"Nope. Besides that damn music video. I can't believe I deleted those pages, bro." Grayson said, casting his head into his hands. I rested a hand on his broad shoulder.

"Bryant said it best, all happens for a reason. The replacement script will be even better than the original." I said.

"I don't know, E." he mumbled.

"It will," I assured him. After a few minutes, he languidly pushed himself back into a sitting position, back flush against the chair and eyes closed.

"I'm seeing her tomorrow," I said quietly.

"Are you gonna ask her out?" Grayson asked, without missing a beat.

"I don't know."

"Well, I think you should if you really like her. She seemed pretty down for that cuddly picture that Bryant took of you. And all those nights you've been gone. You can't seriously not have done anything. Everything gets muddled at night." Grayson said. I took a sharp breath, remembering the night I held her in my arms, and how I never wanted to fall asleep so it could go on forever.

"Shit, you have?" Grayson said, gauging my reaction.

"No. Just, um, hugging. Like, two cuddles." I spluttered.

"Oh, wow, E. You're the man," he said sarcastically.

"You think I was going to go bang her at 3 am?" I said, suddenly furious.

"No, Jesus, Ethan, I just-" Grayson said, surprised at my anger.

"She's not like that!" I said defensively. "I'm not like that!"

"Well, what else are you doing at 3 am? That's the only thing I've ever done!" Grayson said plaintively.

"What the hell? You have? When?" I gasped.

"At the old apartment," he said shyly. "When you were out with Jack or something."

"Dude," I said in disgust.

"A lot of hot girls were in my DMs!" Grayson insisted.

"Oh, my god." I laughed, glancing at him. He scoffed, and then we were both reduced to soft chuckling.

"So you actually think I should?" I asked again.


"What if she says no?"

"Then you're fucked."

"Thanks, Gray."

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