chapter nine

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After finally uploading my video that had taken a dramatic amount of exporting time, I was throwing in last minute tops for the trip to Vegas. I was taking a singly suitcase, and my backpack. I knew the boys would make fun of me for it, but I didn't care. You can never have too many options. Around 9:15, I left my place, and chided myself for not leaving earlier. I'm pretty sure Ethan said they wanted to be on the road at 9:00...whoops.

When I pulled up to the Dolan house, they were already packing the Jeep. Shit.

"About time you showed up!" Ethan yelled at me.

"I'm sorry!" I cried, rushing up with my luggage. "I got distracted!"

"With what, your one video of this week?" Grayson teased.

"Yes, actually, fuck off." I snapped. "I posted before I got here."

"I know. I saw it." Ethan said, taking my suitcase from me.

"Really?" I asked. I only uploaded it half an hour ago.

"Yeah, he was watching it while I loaded the shit." Grayson complained.

"Awwwww." I teased, leaning into Ethan's arm.

"Goals." Grayson mumbled, before turning back to the house to get more stuff. I felt my pulse quicken.

"You told him about us?" I asked Ethan quietly.

"There is no 'us', Emma." Ethan said wearily, "Or is there? You have anything to tell me..?"

"Still figuring it all out, E." I reminded him, wanting to stretch out my decision making time as long as possible, even though my decision was made. I still had to be absolutely sure.

"I told him a lot the day we went out for ice cream." Ethan admitted. "He knows I like you and stuff."

"Okay." I said, contemplating on how that affected everything. It really didn't affect...anything. If he had known all this time. We were just four friends on a vacation. I could tell Ethan what I needed to when we got back.

"Let's go. Still have to pick up James." Grayson announced, locking the door. Ethan climbed into the driver's seat and Grayson and I both walked to the other side. We stood there awkwardly, unsure of who should sit in the front with Ethan.

"Oh, I didn't-" I began, but Grayson cut me off by getting in the back.

"Sit with him." he said. I smiled gratefully and climbed in, meeting Ethan's sparkling eyes.

"Ready?" I asked him.
"I'm pumped. Is the hotel you booked good?" he questioned.

"It better be." Grayson warned.

"You'll just have to see..." I teased, tilting my head teasingly. "Call James. Get him outside."

"Says you," Ethan teased. "Miss fifteen minutes late."

"I'm always late, James isn't. That's the difference." I insisted. "It's my brand."

"Whatever, I'm calling him." Grayson said. A while later, in downtown LA, we were stopped in front of James' apartment. He came bounding out, hauling more than I had.

I turned my camera on. This was good.

"What are you bringing?" I prompted James.

"You're bringing your fucking lighting?!" Ethan exclaimed.

"I'm a beauty guru!" James explained, shoving it in the trunk. "I have to film a get ready with me!"

After settling into the car, I turned the car lights on and pressed the record button on my camera. We talked for a good ten minutes before I noticed the exposure. Ethan reached over to try and fix it.

"It's kind of bright but whatever, I can fix it." I told him.

"No you can't." Grayson said bluntly.

"Fuck off!" I laughed again. I continued talking.

"Oh, we should go to the strip club." Ethan interrupted.

"Yeah, me, Ethan and James are going to go to the strip club." Grayson announced.

"Yeah, and just leave me at home." I said, glancing at Ethan imploringly. He shook his head, indicating he was joking.

"Wow, can't wait for that." James said sarcastically.

"Have you ever been to a strip club?" Grayson started to ask James before I continued talking.

"No, I don't think so..." James answered.

"We should go." Grayson said seriously.

"Probably should!" James squealed.
"Probably should!" we all mocked him. I filmed a few more clips of Ethan before putting the camera away.

Twenty minutes later, I had to pee.

And Ethan wanted food.

So the road trip begins. 

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