chapter sixteen

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"We're not filming until you two figure it out," Grayson said stubbornly.

"The only thing we need to figure out is why Ethan is a douchebag." James snapped.

"Whoa-oahhhh!" I yelled. Ethan's mouth dropped. I decided to turn on the camera.

"See, look at them, being all quiet," Grayson observed, looking in the viewfinder. After more discussion, James and Ethan finally got up and hugged.

Grayson and I cheered.

It took us the whole afternoon to find outfits for each other, and it was near five when we finally got to show each other. After we shut the camera off, Grayson immediately started taking the paste off of his face. Just like the night before.

"My skin is wrecked," he observed. I giggled. I was also busy getting rid of the messy strokes of makeup James had made on my skin.

"Does anyone want food?" Ethan asked.

"I'm starving," James said.

"Same," I said quietly.

"Where do you want to go?" Ethan asked.
"Ian and I were going to do sushi tonight, but let's all go." James decided.

"We're not going to intrude on your sibling bonding?" I teased.

"Absolutely not," James responded humorously. "Let's go Sugarfish."

"Wait, that's like... classy." I realized.

"Are you afraid of it?" Grayson teased me.

"Fuck off. None of us are dressed for it." I explained.

"You change now, the twins' go home, and then I'll drive you to my place so I can change and get Ian," James said.

"I'll make a reservation for 7 so we have time to shower." Ethan decided, pulling out his phone.

"See you at seven," James said, waving them away.

"Bye mothafuckas!" Grayson yelped as they left. I laughed. Once the door had shut, James bolted over to me, shaking me frantically.

"We're going to make you look so cute!" he squealed. "To impress Ethan!"

"Wha-?" I questioned.

"It's a double date! Because, you know, Grayson is my boyfriend." James teased.

"What about Ian?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"I was just kidding," James said. "But you're still going to look hot as fuck."

"Impossible." I declared.

"Well, if you shower it might be within reach." James countered. When I didn't move, he pushed at me, "Go, go, go."

And finally, I did, a little bit giddy at the idea of going to a fancy restaurant with Ethan. Even if it was with the rest of my friends, it was still exciting. Sure, we'd gone on dates. But they were casual, and always last minute. Not that this reservation was planned very well.

I climbed in the shower, rinsing off quickly and working hard to de-grease my hair. I shaved because I was thinking about wearing a skirt, but I knew deep down James was already picking out my outfit.

To my surprise, James was calmly sitting at my vanity, not rummaging through drawers.

"Alright, kitty girl! Outfit time!" he exclaimed as I wrapped my hair in a towel.

We stood in my closet for a moment before I spoke. "How about my checkered skirt?"

"No. The color block one." James insisted. That was probably a better move anyway. "And just a plain black long sleeve. And whatever hipster ass jewelry you're into now."

"Literally fuck off, brandy jewelry is cute as hell." I defended myself, opening the drawer that held my mess of necklaces.

James shockingly let me do my own makeup, but straightened my hair for me, complaining often.

"How do you manage this?" he muttered no less than fifteen times. In only forty-five minutes, I was in a cute outfit, hair, and makeup done, and ready to go. I smiled at James, modeling slightly.

"Ah!" he cried. "Sister Emma! You're adorable!"

I giggled. "Let's go, we still need to stop at your house."

I had never seen James get ready and touch up his makeup faster than when we got to his house. It was 6:30 when he emerged from his bathroom.

"Ethan and Grayson are picking us all up," Ian told us from the couch.

"Perfect. I just need..." James said, grabbing a Gucci wallet. Of course.

My phone buzzed with a text from the group chat.

"They're here," I said, standing up and walking out the door. I held it for Ian and James.

"What's up, Ian?" Grayson asked as we got in. "Long time, no see."

"Not much, man," Ian replied. I climbed in after him, squeezing into the middle. Grayson was on aux, playing outdated rap the whole way.

When we finally got to the restaurant and got out, I finally got a good look at Ethan. He was wearing a crisp collared shirt and dress pants, his hair styled messily.

"Emma, you look really nice," he said, smirking. He reached out and ran a hand down my arm. "I like your top."

"You clean up okay, too, E." I fired back. I started towards the restaurant, Ethan next to me when I felt his hand glance over mine. Instinctively, I reached my fingertips out to find his hand, that was warm and calloused in my own.

Thankfully it was dark out, and I prayed no one would recognize us in the restaurant.

Grayson did all the talking, per usual, and we were led to a table with six chairs. I slid into the far one, Ethan in the middle, then Grayson. Ian and James sat across from us.

Our hands were still interlocked over my lap, but Ethan released, and placed a hand over my bare thigh, just above my knee. The simple gesture made butterflies erupt in my stomach.

Thank god I had shaved.

I looked at James, who was smirking and biting his lip at me. I gave him a sharp look. Again, I prayed no one would see us. I just wanted to enjoy one night with my friends. Alone.

We ordered several plates of sushi and passed them around, discussing YouTube, James' palette that was coming out later, and everything in between. I felt warm and full by the end of dinner, but Ethan pulling me closer to him made my stomach drop in a pleasant way.

I slightly leaned my head back on his arm.

"Um, excuse me-" a small voice said. And it wasn't the waitress. I jerked my head away from Ethan almost as quickly as his arm fell away from the back of my chair.

"Of course, smile guys!" Grayson responded to the girl asking for a picture.

"Thank you!" she grinned back.

"Have a good one!" I told her.

Ethan's hand remained in his lap the rest of the night.

Around 9, the waitress was back. "How should I split the bill?" she asked us.

"I'll take me and him," James said, gesturing towards Ian.

"And put us three on mine," Ethan told her, surprising me. I was about to get my card out.

"Dude, I'll pay you back," I informed Ethan.

"Don't. No need," he assured me, giving me a soft half smile. I smiled back.

"Thanks," I said, the butterflies returning to my stomach. 

lol that was so long

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